I cant find my server in internet list

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I don't understand why people cant see it,
Anyone can help me?

Because the masterlist isn't working for a months. Or it's working, but they disabled listing non-premium servers on internet list. We don't know why, and why is it take so long to fix that or enable them.

Talk to the DEV, no one knows the real reason as to why newer server aren't shown on the Internet tab!

I'm pretty sure Kye has a hundred of private messages about this issue report from server owners and as far we know he will not read those and any messages. I see some Beta tester knows about this issue, but still there's no info about it.

I think it never will be fixed SA-MP team earn a lot from Hosted Tab but does nothing as usually. or it will take long months. or they simply have no idea how to fix it

Well they should open a donation page then. I think lot of people would donate and also me donate around 70 bucks for some bug fixes and for more useful functions.

They don't need donations they get Ђ15 each Hosted Tab so if they sell like x1000 Monthly they get Ђ15000 which is more than enough.

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