17.11.2015, 15:29
Последний раз редактировалось Gigi-The-Beast; 17.11.2015 в 17:55.
Hey guys
I am wondering if I am allowed to make a topic here about a server that I own. It wouldn't be an advertisement post (so no ip adresses, no web urls etc), I am just wondering what do you think about it and would you be interested to play there. The server is from Eastern Europe, so it is Non-English.
My main purpose would be to see if enough people would be interested for the server, so it would be beneficial for me to translate it to English language.
I would describe the systems available in the game, show some pictures, also many web components that the community uses on daily basis.
I just want to know if that would be allowed.
I am wondering if I am allowed to make a topic here about a server that I own. It wouldn't be an advertisement post (so no ip adresses, no web urls etc), I am just wondering what do you think about it and would you be interested to play there. The server is from Eastern Europe, so it is Non-English.
My main purpose would be to see if enough people would be interested for the server, so it would be beneficial for me to translate it to English language.
I would describe the systems available in the game, show some pictures, also many web components that the community uses on daily basis.
I just want to know if that would be allowed.