[help]problem with car spamwing

hello guys can you help me i am using vehicle system this one:http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=54114.0
and shes working perfect but i would like to know how to add more cars please answer me btw i am not using godfather GM i used carlito's RP and i edit it now i am going to use it for my own server and i need to know how to add more cars in this vehicle ownership FS it has 10 cars but ther arent enought i pmed the poster of the FS he dident respond me i writed into the post it was the same no answer please tell me

((sorry for my bad english))

Just use the debug mode, once a vehicle is in his position type /save and put it in your gamemode under ongamemodeinit.

Im quoting what he said the maker of the FS

Scriptfile Text (MUST be named "[FS]CarOwnership.cfg")

422,2135.418701,-1128.477294,25.593200,110.959999,1,1,Dealership,Bo bcat,50000,,0,0
543,2136.328613,-1132.250976,25.511566,110.258712,1,1,Dealership,Sa dler,50000,,0,0
554,2135.458496,-1136.625488,25.735660,107.892265,1,1,Dealership,Yo semite,50000,,0,0
579,2135.744140,-1140.979614,25.173116,111.251762,1,1,Dealership,Hu ntley,50000,,0,0
400,2136.281738,-1144.528686,24.955900,109.024398,1,1,Dealership,La ndstalker,50000,,0,0
500,2136.882568,-1147.977294,24.593900,104.355201,1,1,Dealership,Me sa,50000,,0,0
489,2122.037597,-1157.092285,24.256799,356.001007,1,1,Dealership,Ra ncher,50000,,0,0
445,2117.238281,-1156.901367,24.194599,337.440185,1,1,Dealership,Ad miral,50000,,0,0
492,2117.775146,-1148.868041,24.202800,331.458801,1,1,Dealership,Gr eenwood,50000,,0,0
410,2117.998535,-1141.823730,24.537799,325.724914,1,1,Dealership,Ma nana,50000,,0,0
600,2118.116210,-1135.639526,24.913400,326.202606,1,1,Dealership,Pi cador,50000,,0,0
496,2118.714111,-1129.351440,25.015199,318.569488,1,1,Dealership,Bl ista Compact,50000,,0,0

You need to go into "CarOwnership.cfg" And do exact he did with his vehicles .. I hope that work :P btw the first number "496" is the car id and rest of the lines until to 1,1 is the co ord rest you learn

guys i have codes alredy no from debug from another vehicle ownership system whos bugged i taken the cars location from there but the fs dont whanna load more then 10 cars i will try with the debug thought thenks for the help

Then fix the FS that it sells more than 10car

You can't use this with carlitos RP script, the dynamic cars will screw up, and so will the filterscript.

496,2118.714111,-1129.351440,25.015199,318.569488,1,1,Dealership,Bl ista Compact,50000,,0,0
ID X Y Z ROT Colour ? vNAME Respawn ? ?

one question if i delete the dinamic car system can i use the FS becouse i dont need them?and if someone can tell me how to fix it to have more then 10 cars it would be great

Carlito Dynamic system is great and you can't remove it becouse it's a inbuilded dynamic and so i recommend to add your cars IG with dynamic system /addcar

but how can i set them as cars for sell if i add them IG

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