Which VPS should I get?

Hey guys, I'll start up a new roleplay server anytime soon but I really don't know what VPS should I get in order to have good performances without overpaying the service.
The gamemode is still a work in progress, it is fully-mysql and well optimized. The playerbase will probably (and hopefully) be around 90-120 players. So, how many cores, ram, disk space, transfer?

OVH. Start with a cheap VPS plan and improve your plan once you require more resources. OVH offers a good DDoS protection, amount of RAM and processor core power.

There's a TON of topics about this. And I literally mean a TON.

All you have to do is search for 'em. There's all sorts of statistics and numbers that go into play here. If you're still developing the script, don't waste your money on a server right now. If all you're looking for is a web-server, then just get a really cheap month-to-month plan from GoDaddy or something like that.

VPSCheap.net has a good $4/month VPS you could get for a web/IRC/TS3/Ventrilo server for now, though.

Bro we have a hosting company we just opened few days ago so we r offering best discounts. May it be vps or samp servers or webhosting all hosted on top class europian dedicated server. We could provide u a vps 1gb ram 3ghz processor unlim bandwidth just for 3€ we asure u ping to be under 50 in most of the europe and russia. We r offering it so cheap as the vps panel is still under devlopment . Once that is up we wont provide this quality at this price. But if u grab the deal now u could enjoy the same vps with the panel without paying the increased cost u could lock ur offer price for 3€. Acctually we were samp hosts we have just started vps hosting so this is innaugral price. You could contact me at www.freesamp.net/forum/
my name is perfectboy. Thank you. You could try the service for a day then pay ous. We are new but our services are awesome try our service for a day for free then decide

Vpscheap.net , i dont want to advertise but the quality sucks u could read reviews i could provide u links of some better hosts at 4-5$ buget.
You could pm me at fb www.********.com/svabhay

Get a proper VPS or dedi at OVH or another reputable hosting company. Don't use hosts advertised on this forum because they are all run by kids who have no idea what they are doing, plus they will steal your script.

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