A EXCELLENT Hoster [idk where to post it soz]


I'm writing to inform everyone about an Excellent host! He's giving 200 slot servers away for $5, but hurry, this deal only lasts until 9-30-09 but if you buy now, then you dont ahve to go back to the expensive prices, jsut eep paying $5 a month! so if you are looking for a cheap server host, goto http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=113762.0 but the domain will be changing soon, so keep updated! the owners msn is, bill@gates.com, I saw the post on SAMP forums and i want a server

Good Luck with your servers guys!

Website on some random free hosting with ads and free subdomain? I couldn't say this is a serious business

lol, it has only just started, but the deals are good, He's trying to purchas e anew domain as we speak, so...

The blue colour and the text makes it look like a virus website rofl.
Tho, if I'd start hosting, I wouldn't put 5 Ђ for 200 people. It is cheap, but too cheap - People will see something is weird.
At least put 8 for 100, 20 for 200. This is too cheap, makes it look like a scam.

and the ping sucks to.. I've got a 250 ping with 0/2 players in it

Lol, some random noob starts to start he's own hosting company with he's homehosted server 0.2 mb/s upload speed, and free sub-domain,
just another random noob.

This is no place for advertising, and $5 for 200 players is either a scam or massive overselling (probably both).

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