Need help with Streamer object

Hello guys i want to remove all streamer objects in virtual world 10 how can i do that.

i will +rep if the function will help.

You can easily perform this by using streamer memory natives.

pawn Код:
for (new i, j = Streamer_GetUpperBound(STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT); i < j; i++) {//loop through all dynamic objects
    if (IsValidDynamicObject(i) && Streamer_GetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, i, E_STREAMER_WORLD_ID) == 10) {//check for virtual world 10
        DestroyDynamicObject(i);//destroy the object in world id 10
EDIT: Use a validity check to avoid that warning.

It'll destroy this object from all virtual worlds.

The fix is to create another object which excludes world 10 by destroying this one.

I'm on phone so someone else will write the code for you.

*** Streamer Plugin: Streamer_GetIntData: Invalid ID specified O.o any other ideas

When you put your maps, set it to all other worlds except world 10.

Lol it cant be possible i want to delete them in vw 10

if the object is in the VW -1 is not in the 10 but everywhere
this does not remove that was, say 0 ... 9 11 ... inf

AbssMorgan can you give me some example

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