09.08.2015, 13:28
Last edited by Weponz; 31/01/2018 at 06:03 PM.
ZNPC: Zombified Non-Player Characters by Weponz
Updated ZNPC Version (DEMO):

Note: This is not v1.0 but a more advanced version to show you their capability.
Note: You may need to modify the script to create NPC's every 100 ms(using a timer) instead of instantly under OnGameModeInit to prevent your host from thinking it is getting attacked. (Paid Hosting Only)
This script is the first release of my NPC based Zombie System with Advanced AI using RNPC. The script is realistic with Sound Detection AI System making zombies more attracted to noise like gunshots, sprinting players and less attracted to crouching players allowing players to move around zombies undetected. Enjoy! |

Note: This is not v1.0 but a more advanced version to show you their capability.
1. Zombies will roam the map until they detect a victim, then they will attack. 2. Zombies will feast on killed victims and regain full health. 3. Zombies are more attracted to noise like gunshots and sprinting players. (AI) 4. Zombies are less attracted to crouching players, allowing players to move around zombies undetected. (AI) |
1. Install RNPC(0.4.1) and MapAndreas(v1.0 beta) if required via the links below. 2. Open the Pastebin link below and paste it into pawno. 3. Edit desired definitions and make sure you add spawn locations for zombies, then compile. (IMPORTANT!) 4. Place the compiled filterscript into you "filterscript" folder. 5. Open you "server.cfg" and edit your "filterscripts" and "plugins" lines and add the filterscript/plugins names. 6. Open you "server.cfg" and change "maxnpc" to the MAX_ZOMBIES amount. |
pawn Code:
//Example Timer
public LoadZombies()//Modify to suit your server
new name[24];
format(name, sizeof(name), "zname_%i", zombie_count + 1);
if(zombie_count == MAX_ZOMBIES)
KillTimer(ZombieTimer);//Kill LoadZombies under OnGameModeInit
return 1;
1. RNPC(0.4.1): http://www.forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=355849 (Credits: Mauzen) 2. MapAndreas(v1.0 beta): http://www.forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=120013 (Credits: Kalcor) 3. ZNPC(v1.0): http://www.pastebin.com/W0Laphjx (Credits: Weponz) |