move npc

Hey i have created an npc in the ammunation store, and i want that npc to be moved to another place for he is not in that store.

If i use setpolayerpos..... or even togglespectating... the npc does not move.

Hoe can i get that npc is move from there for i can then return him later?

Make two recordings

1) Make a recording of you walking from the NPCs original position to the new position

2) make a short recording of the NPC standing in the new positon.

I've not used NPCs in a LONG time but im pretty sure thats how you do it? Then you destroy the current NPC script and run the next ones.

Im sure someone who has actually used NPCs recently can give some more helpful advive

there is no actual walking of the npc, the npc stands in the store and never moves. I just need him to dissapear when i close that store. then i need him to reappear when i open the store

So, get a recording of yourself standing somewhere random and just play that on the NPC and it wont be in the store? would that work

the npc recording is not the answer. there has to be a way to actually move to npc like setplayerpos or something

I just went to the Samp Wiki and searched for "NPC"... and found:

have you come across this yet? There is a function there called "SetMyPos" which is what your probably looking for.

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