Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

Originally Posted by runcis
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Make enter-able houses and in-wall atm.

There are many enter-able house, and in-wall ATM's are as easy as texturing a single object.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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There are many enter-able house, and in-wall ATM's are as easy as texturing a single object.
You can make an enterable house using various door, wall, garage, etc. objects.

Complete/fix minor stuff before adding new things.

Such as:

1. Sync the sniper (is really needed IMO)

2. Sync the fire.

3. Sync the schatchel charges

4. Fix minor bugs.

Add more singleplayer things, there's pretty many.

such as

1. shot/chop of the head.

2. Control waves in sea

3. Control the cranes.

4. Muscles, make you look fat etc, idk if it works on other skins then CJ though.

Other ideas:

1. Make it possible to change object flags, really cool.

Will edit the post when I got more.

I just want to see this title of any thread:
"Object Cutter: Take A Part Of Any Object With Few Steps!"
Woooow if i find it
Or the ability to add custom objects directly to server,like by defining colors and dimensions,idk xD

Originally Posted by Roberto80
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I just want to see this title of any thread:
"Object Cutter: Take A Part Of Any Object With Few Steps!"
Woooow if i find it
Or the ability to add custom objects directly to server,like by defining colors and dimensions,idk xD
+1 I really need something like that

When you're inside a heavy vehicle and you attack another player in any vehicle and explode it, you won't be counted as the killer.. I suggest fixing that, not sure if you got it

Originally Posted by Battlezone
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When you're inside a heavy vehicle and you attack another player in any vehicle and explode it, you won't be counted as the killer.. I suggest fixing that, not sure if you got it
Actually this really needs to be fixed up, Specially its very boring to use Rocket with Heavy Vehicle if you dont get the credits for kill

Originally Posted by Iceblizard
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Actually this really needs to be fixed up, Specially its very boring to use Rocket with Heavy Vehicle if you dont get the credits for kill
It can be script my us. no need to use native for it or any server or client things.

Originally Posted by SoFahim
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It can be script my us. no need to use native for it or any server or client things.
You don't even get it lol, we're not talking about adding a native or something; we're requesting a bug fix for exploding a car in which a player is in it but you don't get the kill, and no, that can't be manually fixed by the scripter in any way , that's simply a samp bug ( even if it is done, it won't be precise at all and will just add some crappy useless codes)

It's been almost 10 years since SA-MP was released, maybe someone notice this, there are some BASIC gameplay features that are still missing or needs to be fixed. Well atleast this is what I wanted for years.
Maybe this can happen in 0.3.8, 0.4 or whatever the next release is.

- Enable CJ Clothing.
- Sync Satchel Charge, it won't work if player is not streamed nearby.
- Sync Heatseeker Rocket Launcher. It dosen't follow anything.
- Fix Thermal and Night Vision Goggles, OnPlayerUpdate fix sometimes dosen't work, and everyone gets the effect.
- Fix Sniper Rifle lagcomp, after a while some players get desynced and sniper rifle won't give any damage to others, only solution is to reconnect.
- Fix a bug where other players can give damage with fists/knuckles/parachute to other players when they are on the opened dialog.
- Fix OnVehicleRespray not getting called when player uses Paint Spray.
- Fix a problem where OnPlayerDeath won't return killerid, if player exploded inside a vehicle and if explosion was caused by other players.
- Disable all camera CULL zones, or atleast the ones in SF Doherty Garage and Harry Plum's.
- Add callback that gets called when player uses shops like Burger Shot, Ammu-Nation, Paint Spray, Vending Machines etc. Usefull for servers that uses server sided money.
- Add callback that detects players who attempted stunt jumps. Usefull for servers that uses server sided money.
- Add a function to enable or disable specific garages. I know it's mappable, but it can cause crashes.
- Add Smooth weather change effect.
- Add Coronas like in Kickstar mission.
- Add more functions to detect aimbots, since it's ruining DM community.
- EnableUnoccupiedVehicleDamage(true/false); I know it's scriptable, however, granades, rocket missles won't give any damage.

My take on vehicle damage system is that it should work just like in a single player, where you can deal damage anyway that you want. Right now it's very limited, or make it so OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate gets called when you drop a granade or a projectile, etc.

Originally Posted by T-N-Z
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- Fix a bug where other players can give damage with fists/knuckles/parachute to other players when they are on the opened dialog.
Freeze the player in the dialogue, and desync any damage given/taken whilst they are in it.

Originally Posted by T-N-Z
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- Add Smooth weather change effect.
There was a time/weather FS done a while back that worked pretty darn awesome. A while back, is like, 2-3 years, maybe... could have been more recent.

Originally Posted by T-N-Z
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- Add Coronas like in Kickstar mission.

These sufficed for a while, although they aren't highlighted, it simply helps. Just for those that wanted multi-color coronas.

Coronas still though would be good to be customize-able individually so you can say "Go to the green corona to start, and red corona to exit"

Hi I propose to increase the slots number for SetaplayerAttachedObject. It's just 10 slots, are to many cool stuff to attach to player and just 10 slots. Maybe 20 are god if it not possible many.

Originally Posted by T-N-Z
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It's been almost 10 years since SA-MP was released, maybe someone notice this, there are some BASIC gameplay features that are still missing or needs to be fixed. Well atleast this is what I wanted for years.
Maybe this can happen in 0.3.8, 0.4 or whatever the next release is.
I agree, I'd thought to same. I wonder why important/minor bugs don't get fixed rather then new features. There's pretty much bugs that haven't been fixed for ages.

Would be nice to see the Sniper synced too.

When you see somone aiming with it, it's not in the correct direction. You can example see them aiming on the ground, even if they not.

And also sync the fire.

I don't understand why those weapons haven't been fixed yet. It would be fixed when they first got implented.

Edit: Deleted abit of text in your quote as it would get really long.

TNZ nice suggestions +1
I would like to suggest enabling a way to add custom vehicles in SA-MP. I hope so, its really cool to drive your custom vehicle. Well i know this is difficult at all!

2) Disable/Enable Health/Money/Wanted feature so we can be able to customize our own server hud.

WantedStarsFlashForPlayer(playerid, 0/1);

return 0 - Player not connected / 0 wanted level.
return 1 - success

Just like when CJ paints a vehicle in Pay 'n' Spray.

Originally Posted by Leon9741
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WantedStarsFlashForPlayer(playerid, 0/1);

return 0 - Player not connected / 0 wanted level.
return 1 - success

Just like when CJ paints a vehicle in Pay 'n' Spray.
pawn Код:
#tryinclude <a_samp>


new static flashWanted[MAX_PLAYERS];
new static bool: flashShowing[MAX_PLAYERS];
new static flashWantedTime[MAX_PLAYERS];
new static wantedFlashTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];

forward OnWantedLevelFlashStop(playerid);

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 6);
    WantedStarsFlashForPlayer(playerid, true);
    return 1;

stock WantedStarsFlashForPlayer(playerid, bool: flash)
            return FlashWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid), 20000);

        else return 0;

        return StopWantedLevelFlash(playerid);

stock FlashWantedLevel(playerid, wantedlevel, time)
        flashWanted[playerid] = wantedlevel;
        flashWantedTime[playerid] = time;

            flashShowing[playerid] = true;

        else flashShowing[playerid] = false;

        wantedFlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("UpdateWantedFlash", WANTED_LEVEL_FLASH_RATE, true, "i", playerid);
        return 1;

    else {
        SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);
        return 0;

stock bool: AreStarsFlashingForPlayer(playerid)
        return true;

    return false;

stock StopWantedLevelFlash(playerid)
        flashWanted[playerid] = 0;
        flashShowing[playerid] = false;
            CallLocalFunction("OnWantedLevelFlashStop", "i", playerid);
        return 1;

    return 0;
forward UpdateWantedFlash(playerid);
public UpdateWantedFlash(playerid)
            SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);

        else SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, flashWanted[playerid]);
        flashWantedTime[playerid] -= 1000;

        flashWanted[playerid] = 0;
        flashShowing[playerid] = 0;
        SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0); */


    return 1;
I haven't tested it but it should work(it's scripted mostly as an include, but I placed a un-hooked OnPlayerConnect callback to show how it can be used - remove it if you are using it as an include).

Then you can use something such as this include: to detect when they leave pay n spray and if they leave it while having a wanted level you can do:

pawn Код:
public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2)
       if(~color1 && ~color2) {
            if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) && GetVehicleModel(vehicleid))
                   WantedStarsFlashForPlayer(playerid, true);

       return 1;
Or you can use the FlashWantedLevel function to specify a time(in ms): - ex:
pawn Код:
FlashWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid), 15000);
will flash it for 15 seconds. Then you can use SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0); in the OnWantedLevelFlashStop callback;
pawn Код:
public OnWantedLevelFlashStop(playerid)
      return SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);

Fix in sa-mp client:

When browsing for new servers, when you add a new server, don't let it go to favoirtes
when you favorited a server, as if you want to browse more.

If you changed to another tab like favorites and goes back for browsing for some server, don't let it re-load, as it alredy have loaded once (I mean if you have alredy loaded that tab before recently).
As it can be annoying to have to reaload everything again, when you recently have visited that tab.

Sorry for bump.

10 years arround the community and SA:MP still don't touch in any feature related to water

Kye don't you like water bro? Let's take a shower

Originally Posted by ipsLeon
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10 years arround the community and SA:MP still don't touch in any feature related to water

Kye don't you like water bro? Let's take a shower
I agree! It would be nice to atleast control the waves.. And it would be epic to make floodings.

Kalcor should really consider this thread once in a while. SA-MP isnt dying though but got pretty less players (around 70-80k. He should really make the updates pretty faster. I know he got a life. Dont start hate replies pls. Its normal to loose interest in projects. But samp is something whoch just cannot be abandoned. Well i thought of a native like.

native IsPlayerUsingCleo(playerid);

I think its possible for samp to detect if theres cleo installed in gta sa.

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