Messageslimit shut down my server

Hi, 3-4 days ago my server starts shutting down when we have > 25 players
pls help
sry 4 bad english

Sounds like a DoS attempt, but try to increase messageslimit to 4000 inside your server.cfg, even though I doubt it will help.

Tryed, again...

Definetly looks like a DDOS, does it crash after a certain amount of player is connected, or is it random in some way ?

When I have 23 players or higher it just stop the server, and shows message to player
You are banned from this server.

Originally Posted by RakeDW
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When I have 23 players or higher it just stop the server, and shows message to player
You are banned from this server.
If you're positive that this only occurs when you have over 25 players, then I suggest you changing your player limit size to 20 until you move to a new host. Maybe the host you're using barely can handle a fair amount of players?

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