10.09.2015, 20:14
AymX FooD System
Hello Everyone , I have Some New This Is the Version 1 So we have Some new Versions in the futurIf you have any suggestions or you find bugs for this filterscript tell me
And sorry for my bad English
+We are now Save players Stats
Admin Commands:
<!> /setcookies Allows an admin to set a players cookies.
<!> /cookie Allows an admin to give a player a cookie.
<!> /cake Allows an admin to give a player a cake.
<!> /icecream Allows an admin to give a player an icecream .
<!> /biscuit Allows an admin to give a player a biscuit.
<!> /cl Allows an admin to give al players a cookie.
<!> /cakel Allows an admin to give all players a cake.
<!> /icel Allows an admin to give all players an icecream.
<!> /bscl Allows an admin to give all players a biscuit.
<!> /rocket Allows a player to spawn a rocket launcher which costs one cookie.
<!> /sniper Allows a player to spawn a Sniper Rifle which costs one cake.
<!> /flammer Allows a player to spawn a flammer which costs one icecream.
<!> /grenade Allows a player to spawn a grenade packet which costs one biscuit.
<!> /mycookies Allows the player to view the number of cookies they have been given by admins.
<!> /mycakes Allows the player to view the number of cakes they have been given by admins.
<!> /myicecreams Allows the player to view the number of icecreams they have been given by admins.
<!> /mybiscuits Allows the player to view the number of biscuits they have been given by admins.
Download Time:
>>>> You Can /foodhelp(/fhelp) ingame fo more informations
Regards :