Server sometimes crashes when I die


My server often crashes when I die, shot or exploded.
But sometimes it doesn't even crash..Depends, but I don't know on what.

I get this stuff and I'd really want to know how to fix this..
Exception At Address: 0x007F0C37

EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x00B1AD54	ECX: 0x0A9FD290	EDX: 0x0A9FD290
ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x0A9FD2A0	EBP: 0x05B92834	ESP: 0x0023F24C
EFLAGS: 0x00210246

If it crashes try to add:

AddPlayerClass(x, y, z coordinate);

debug it it as it might be when killed with a certian gun or drive by etc... witch could cause your crash.

Erm MB. I don't get it... Plus it also gives me errors when I put that in

are you using a forum script? i error is most probly in your onplayerdeath mate so i would check for maybe youve added new thing's and not add it all.?

OnPlayerDeath is not the problem but it was few days ago, I've fixed it.

Now I've checked into the Ladmin, and I removed the kill command, since there were 2 ( one in Ladmin, one in my script ).
So I removed the one in Ladmin, and I didn't die now. I hope it's not cause I restarted the server, cause I really want that gone :P

It's not forum script btw But thanks for help. I still don't know if it's 100% fixed.

And lol, I don't think something is wrong in this code
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
  FadePlayerScreen(playerid, 0x000000AA, 6, 192);
 	GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~You just got owned",1000,1);
  SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason);
  GameTextForPlayer(killerid,"~r~You just owned somebody!",1000,1);

	GivePlayerMoney(killerid, 3000);
  SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid) + 1);
	SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) -1);

THIS, is my OnPlayerDeath

ok but i dont think them commands could cause a crash unless you made the command wrong not sure let me no how you get on xD

No, I'm sure the OnPlayerDeath ain't a reason. There is nothing wrong, with any command. No errors/warnings in it hehe.

I removed some commands of some previous spawnplaces and spawn menus I have, but some were still there. They're gone now, but just so I remove what looks suspicious to me :P

Damnit, I added a pickup and the server crashes again..

new moneyandscore;
moneyandscore = CreatePickup(1274, 3, 2158.8125,2113.5959,18.0782); // The $ and 2 score icon
  if (pickupid == moneyandscore) // The pickup that gives you +2 score and 10.000$
		GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 10000);
		SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 2);
What's wrong in here ? I don't see it..And I'm really pissed off, I re-installed San Andreas and Sa:Mp due to this; no luck.

That looks ok to me. as i dont no whats in your script.

that could be making this pickup go weird please read this.

make sure you read it and it should clear your problem its possably somthing you may have missed.

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