04.08.2009, 17:12
i added a include
#include <Double-O-Objects>
but then i get the following
what do i add.. esactly
last time some one said
put Add DOO_OnGameModeInit onto OnGameModeInit
But it didnt work
Please post the codes i need ive been trying for 3 hours now
#include <Double-O-Objects>
but then i get the following
warning 203: symbol is never used: "DOO_OnGameModeInit" warning 203: symbol is never used: "DOO_OnPlayerConnect" warning 203: symbol is never used: "DOO_OnPlayerDisconnect"
last time some one said
put Add DOO_OnGameModeInit onto OnGameModeInit
But it didnt work
Please post the codes i need ive been trying for 3 hours now