Yeah its just a example but anyone willing to help. I would like to know how to make a stock or something that will select the first car.
if(listitem == 0) // Bikes
for (new i; i < sizeof(DScarBuy); i++)
if (DScarBuy[i][DSVehicleClass] == 9)
new FirstCar[10];
format(FirstCar, sizeof(FirstCar), "%i", DScarBuy[0][DSCarModel]);
new spawnedcar = AddStaticVehicleEx(strval(FirstCar), 488.0754, -420.3091, 2757.9961, 358.6074, 1, 1, 3600);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, spawnedcar, 0);
if(prc_Moving[playerid] == false) // Check whether the camera is already set.
prc_Degree[playerid] = 0; // Reseting the variable
prc_Timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("MoveCamera", 75, true, "d", playerid); // Setting the timer
prc_Moving[playerid] = true; // okay, now we're going to activate the moving variable
I have done that so far but that is grabbing the first car in the whole list I would like to make it so it only grabs the first car with the class of 9