Some keyboard won't work on samp.

Hello, the problem it's in title. They stopped working for some reason. I don't use them so much in samp ( the only game i play with keyboard ), so they don't have a reason to broke up. To mention, sometime it works, sometime won't.

Any solve?

I have windows 7 on 32 bit. They stopped work in samp, and others games too. ( even on notepad )

Are you referring to the keyboard itself or some specific keys? I suppose that you usually play by using a joystick.
Anyway, what keyboard do you use? Could you provide some more information at least, such as how old your keyboard is, what brand or model. Do you have your keyboard driver up to date? Try to unplug & reconnect the keyboard when the problem encounters.

First for all thank you Michel

It's a laptop, only arrow left/right, f8, numpad 5, caps lock left shift, won't work... It's so stupid, didn't use them so much... Playing just samp, and hearthstone, what request only mouse..

I don't get what you say, You mean some keys stop working in general or when you press something else, If some keys stop working when you press another key, that's keyboard ghosting and if some keys stop working in general you should change the laptop keyboard, My laptop had some issues like this, some keys (O,P,I,L) stopped working after a while (two years) and started working after half an hour for a couple of minutes then they stopped working and I changed the keyboard

Originally Posted by Arastair
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I don't get what you say, You mean some keys stop working in general or when you press something else, If some keys stop working when you press another key, that's keyboard ghosting and if some keys stop working in general you should change the laptop keyboard, My laptop had some issues like this, some keys (O,P,I,L) stopped working after a while (two years) and started working after half an hour for a couple of minutes then they stopped working and I changed the keyboard
You got it, util yesterday they work very good. This morning they worked a little > stopped > worked again, and rip.

Might be some viruses ?

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