Why My Server Ping is +1000


your network or the VPS network is being choked therefore your ping is raising high as your connection is taking longer than expected to reach and get a response.

i can't understand
Please Explanation me smoother, Namely isn't crash? or crasher?

First of tell, Is that home host or on VPS?


This is also to say, Most of the time ping is +1000.
Sometimes for 10/11 minutes ping is good and under 50.

I Very Need Help Guys, Very.

What host are you using?

isn't host, is on vps, i using interanet.

Interanet can't be found anywhere. Are you sure that host is legit?

restart the vps

Probably the problem is you, not the host. If you see the server's ping raising suddenly, it's because your network connection. When you're using many resources from your connection, you will have a lower performance and therefore bigger ping. The response time will increase, as Mr187 said so ping can reach one second.
You can test this phenomenon by checking your SA-MP client before and while brwosing a web page. Ping will raise suddenly to bigger values.


@Michael B

What? ) problem isn't from me, All players have this problem & this problem is from vps (perhaps).

Where is your VPS hosted at? PM me its IP.

Pm Send you, but perhaps you can't be access to my vps because i'm on interanet!
And Iran interanet vpses is Just for Iranian, because another Countries IPs is blocked, (For defind lot of attack's ddos & ....).

Originally Posted by MamadKz
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@Michael B

What? ) problem isn't from me, All players have this problem & this problem is from vps (perhaps).
Than your VPS server network is being choked most likely, a good example and way to find out is login to your VPS and run a stress test by downloading and uploading a local file / local host. If you like give me your IP address and I can find you a test file to try to download.

If the network is being choked a good thing to do is stop all your online services so SA-MP / Apache or anything running on the VPS and than re-do the stress test if the speeds are still slow than your server is being hosted on a server that is choked and I suggest you contact support and ask for a new server which isn't being choked.

Also please make sure that you have changed basic things like the SSH port / turned off any control panels you might be using / disable remote connections if windows if you decide to run a stress test.

Now if you do not understand what I am saying than you should not be running a SAMP server off a VPS because this is basic stuff that any administrator hosting services on a machine should know. I suggest you find yourself a SAMP server host instead because administrating a system which has online services being hosted off of it requires at least basic knowledge or the chance to have a insecure server.

Thanks for help, Problem fixed.

My vps changed to linux.

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