At Like A Certain Time A Message Shows.

Im useing a Real Life Clock.

At A Certain Time I want a SetGameModeText Message To Show Up.

How Do I do it?

explain more, Have no idea what your on about.

I mean Like....

I'm using that real life clock System,
I want at like 8:00am for a SetGamemodetext to pop up saying "Its time to go to work"

Get it?

Im not sure but maybey ask in that topic ?
I think it would help more then start a whole new one.

Gr Artix

In "public time()"
Just modify it to this:
[pawno]if (hour == 8 ){SetWorldTime(8 );SetGameModeText("Its time to go to work");}[/pawno]
(Added spaces were the "8"'s are as they change them into smilies on this forum.)
Untested..Should work?

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