Weird :s

This code works fine


if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_PRES && TEAMPRES == playerid)
new string[128];
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(string, sizeof(string),"%s(%d) Is No Longer President",pname,playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_TEAMYELLOW, string);
GameTextForAll("~b~The President Has Been Killed In An Accident!", 8000, 5);
return 1;

But as soon as i add

&& gTeam[killerid] != TEAM_TERR

into the statement it dont work

The first code works but when i add the second bit it dont it stops working and no errors

Nooo i mean it works ingame but wen i add it stops working ingame pawno.exe is fine

That's because if a person is killed by no one(falling/suicide) the killerid=255, and you gTeam[] thing can only go up to MAX_PLAYERS (199 + the number 0) so make sure you put that into account.

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