How to simply add one NPC to just stand in one position?

I see tutorials on how to record NPCs doing advanced stuff, but I just want one standing in the same spot and never move. Players will be able to walk up to her and initiate a conversation through commands I'm working on. Can someone just tell me quick how to add one just for the purpose of not doing anyhting. :P

Using actors would be much more efficient and logical - their entire job / reason for implementation is to be a static model for use in shops and whatnot.

You can find a tutorial about actors I wrote a while back when they were first introduced here:

Use the new "actor system." Check out the list of functions in the file (normally in /pawno/includes). I'd imagine you would only need to use:

pawn Код:
native CreateActor(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Rotation);
native DestroyActor(actorid);
But, depending on what else you MAY want to use the actor for, there's a lot of other functions too!

Thanks alot, I wasn't aware of actors. Will play around with this for a while. Letting you know if I need further assistance.

Reporting back, everything works flawlessly, thank you again. Marking this as solved.

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