Actor destroying at wrong player

So along with all my variables I got this up top;

new TutorialActor[MAX_PLAYERS][3],
Now, for the tutorial I got this which creates the actor inside a binco with a special virtual world (player's virtual world is set to this as well)

//onplayerspawn i
	if(!pData[playerid][pTutorialFinished]) // and some more code
		TutorialActor[playerid][0] = CreateActor(211, 208.8536,-98.6901,1005.2578,179.5417); // here the actor is made
		SetActorVirtualWorld(TutorialActor[playerid][0], 6969+playerid);
Once the player exits the binco from the tutorial, the actor gets destroyed(no need for an actor anymore because he isnt being seen)
And under OnPlayerConnect I have this
Along with a whole bunch of variables that are reset.

The weird thing, those are the only 2 times an actor gets destroyed (onplayerconnect and when the actor isnt visible anymore)

Yet, (tested with 3 people at same time)

Here's how it went

1st player(me) joins, gets halfway in tutorial with no bugs/mistakes/errors whatsoever.

2 minutes after: 2nd player(friend of mine) connects to have a peek at the tutorial I made, but once he connects somehow my actor is being destroyed?

1 minute after 2nd player join: 3rd player joins and actor for 2nd player disappears.

Is there anything I did wrong?

Your variable new TutorialActor[MAX_PLAYERS][3]; is 0 on start and actors start from 0 so:

if first player connect TutorialActor[playerid][0] = CreateActor(); Actor ID 0 (all ok)
then second player is connect (his variable is 0 TutorialActor[playerid][0]) and actor ID 0 is destroyed DestroyActor(TutorialActor[playerid][0]); in OPC for Player 1 ( now actor is owned by player 2 )

if third player connect actor ID is still 0 and variable TutorialActor[playerid][0] is 0 so again you destroy friend id 2 actor


In OnGameModeInit set array to INVALID_ACTOR_ID;
pawn Code:
new tempActorID[sizeof(TutorialActor[])] = {INVALID_ACTOR_ID, ...};
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(TutorialActor); i++)
    TutorialActor[i] = tempActorID;
and for destroy actors

pawn Code:
if(TutorialActor[playerid][0] != INVALID_ACTOR_ID)
    TutorialActor[playerid][0] = INVALID_ACTOR_ID;

That did the job, appreciated and thanks!

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