Is SA-MP available in mobile?

I need to know whether this game is available in Android and iOS device? If its available, what is the size of the game.

First post and asks this sh*t , dude why don't you browse App Store or Play Store and see if it's available yourself?
It's not. It has been asked multiple times before....
And I doubt it will ever become available in mobile platforms

Really? How is this possible to play SA-MP in android?
Ans me some question.
1. Is GTASA for PC and Android are same?
2. Is ever SA-MP developer told about android play?
3. How much FPS you can get by playing GTASA in android?

Do you really think this giant keyboard with all it's keys, the chat and all kinds of screen announcements will get in your screen? Pl0x, think before posting.

pl0x we can attach keyboard and mouse in android, I do have, Microsoft mouse attached on my Samsung Galaxy s5 and big keyboards wont work so xD you can try the others
all done,
No problems with FPS
it works fine

Most of the above comments are rude and arrogant. Why couldn't anyone answer the question with some decency without any bullshit.

Yes, I agree some research could've drawn some answer. The answer to the OP's question is no. I don't think it will ever be available for androids, or mobile phones (for those reasons, check the above comments).

Hmm, no. At least not in the near future.

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