SendDeathMessage ? Fast please

Hey guys im working on a DM gamemode
i would like when a player ram player show up the :
Driver Name: [RAM ICON] Ramed player
NOTE: I searched around but cant find what i search

Use the death reason parameter given by OnPlayerDeath(...), having a simple system that handles the death list, already comes with it. Have a look at the wiki, this is something super, super simple and there is no need for anyone to provide code when you can do this in a breeze.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
     if(GetPlayerWeapon(killerid) == WEAPON_VEHICLE) SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, WEAPON_VEHICLE); //vehicle Ram icon when rammed
     return 1;
it should work

You could use OnPlayerGiveDamage or OnPlayerTakeDamage, but it can't be detected for your vehicle, only if it's done by vehicle to ped...
Using Emmet's include and the callback "OnPlayerRamPlayer

public OnPlayerRamPlayer(playerid, driverid, vehicleid, Float:damage)
	if(damage > 10) SendDeathMessage(driverid, playerid, 49); // damage can be adjusted
	return 1;

Originally Posted by JaydenJason
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Using Emmet's include and the callback "OnPlayerRamPlayer

public OnPlayerRamPlayer(playerid, driverid, vehicleid, Float:damage)
	if(damage > 10) SendDeathMessage(driverid, playerid, 49); // damage can be adjusted
	return 1;
What is the originaly Car damage ?
i think each car got each damage
example: BMX or a Line runer who runs 100 mph :/
im confused with that codes

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