12.07.2015, 14:35
TRL Ammunition System
Hello Guys, Today I'm here to release my first script and that is a Ammunition System.
So, It's my first attempt. I made it within 2 hours so, If you will find a bug then please tell me. I would love to hear your feedback
There is only one command that is /ammustore
When you will type this command then you will be teleported to Ammunition and a Dialog would pop up. You can buy guns with just a click. There are total 10 guns in stock. All guns costs $2000.
This script uses zcmd and sscanf
TheRageLord - Me

Click Me!
Hello Guys, Today I'm here to release my first script and that is a Ammunition System.
So, It's my first attempt. I made it within 2 hours so, If you will find a bug then please tell me. I would love to hear your feedback
There is only one command that is /ammustore
When you will type this command then you will be teleported to Ammunition and a Dialog would pop up. You can buy guns with just a click. There are total 10 guns in stock. All guns costs $2000.
This script uses zcmd and sscanf
TheRageLord - Me

Click Me!