Coords. and real distance

i want to know each coord like each +x or +y is how many meters ?

or is there any function to get player speec via calculating player's old and new pos ?


try to ****** that. It's easier for you and for us. And when/if you start working as programmer you will have to learn to search things like this. It's a common question and somebody already asked it, for sure.

hope it helps

Originally Posted by Roko_foko
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try to ****** that. It's easier for you and for us. And when/if you start working as programmer you will have to learn to search things like this. It's a common question and somebody already asked it, for sure.

hope it helps
i'm not Newbie bro , and thanks for your first link
but it seems you didn't get my sentence i said i need a Speed counter which is using getting positions not Velocity

Speed by definition is distance/time. Somwhow you need to calculate time as well. You do that with timers. one of the link shows how you do that. Probably i didnt understood what you watned

Originally Posted by Roko_foko
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Speed by definition is distance/time. Somwhow you need to calculate time as well. You do that with timers. one of the link shows how you do that. Probably i didnt understood what you watned
umm actually not exactly but never mind i solved it with GetDistanceToPoint(playerid, x , y , z);
and divide by time so as you said each unit is 1 meter so each distance is 1 meter and with a 1 sec timer
i can divide it and output would be Meter Per Seconds and now done with multiplying i can get KMPH !

thanks anyway !

Which can also easily be done by velocity... but whatever, waste your time.

Originally Posted by Threshold
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Which can also easily be done by velocity... but whatever, waste your time.
i know but i didn't say i don't use that
actually i'm using both for making a super anti cheat
like for Air Break !!!

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