07.07.2015, 05:24
hey guys i have one problem with cache_get_data my code here:
and get me [WARNING] cache_get_data - no active cache
who is problem?
edit:LOL i fixed but now i have this problem
[WARNING] cache_get_row_count - no active cache
with code look up :P
public CheckAccout(playerid){ new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],str[180],query[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,pName,sizeof(pName)); mysql_format(connect,query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '%e'",pName); mysql_tquery(connect,query,"",""); if(cache_num_rows()){ format(str,sizeof(str),"{FFFFFF}Welcome\nPlease type one password for register an accout!\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOG,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{00FF00}Login",str,"Login","Quit"); }else{ format(str,sizeof(str),"{FFFFFF}Welcome\nPlease type your password!\n"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_REG,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{00FF00}Register",str,"Register","Quit"); } return 1; }
who is problem?
edit:LOL i fixed but now i have this problem
[WARNING] cache_get_row_count - no active cache
with code look up :P