Heavy Roleplay Communities

Originally Posted by Ryan_Bowe
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Barely Medium RP.
Lol. I can't see someone role playing around there anymore. So it's not a heavy RP. But the players DMing, ramming, etc also when they talk they just say lol, wtf, lmao, idgaf which is not related to RP.

West Coast Roleplay | Italian Mafia Roleplay | San Andreas Roleplay | Lawless Roleplay | Horizone Gaming Roleplay | Innovative Roleplay | Project Reality Roleplay

Project State Roleplay.

Server advertising obviously, but you should check the Fallout RP server out.

Recently launched into open BETA and already 40+ players during peak hours.

Join Project Reality. I don't see why people can't appreciate everything that has been done towards improvements when it comes to Project Reality. I registered 2 weeks ago and got accepted, and I have to say that what has been done should be very much appreciated. Their forum set up etc beats LS-RP standards. And yes, role play on PR-RP is close to what you're gonna get on LS-RP, if not the same.

Originally Posted by muzammilfreeman
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West Coast Roleplay | Italian Mafia Roleplay | San Andreas Roleplay | Lawless Roleplay | Horizone Gaming Roleplay | Innovative Roleplay | Project Reality Roleplay
Only two of those servers are heavy roleplay.

EDIT: I would start my own community but it seems that NGG-edits would get more players than new heavy roleplay servers now adays.

Originally Posted by Konverse
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PLA: Project Los Angeles Role play

lol bro you are a joke

My brand new roleplay server is for Heavy Roleplayers only. You can visit us at infinitycommunity.co.uk. I'm constantly adding new features to my server to make our script unique. Hope to see you there!

I am also looking for a heavy role-play community. It seems that SA-MP isn't what it was a few years ago (RP Wise), booming RP servers, a lot of GOOD role-play servers (Ex. Valhalla ). Please let me know if anyone knows any good servers that don't have retarded admin teams and such.

Originally Posted by julian12it
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I am also looking for a heavy role-play community. It seems that SA-MP isn't what it was a few years ago (RP Wise), booming RP servers, a lot of GOOD role-play servers (Ex. Valhalla ). Please let me know if anyone knows any good servers that don't have retarded admin teams and such.
A lot of servers have been advertised here already. The thread creator replied the following suggestions after trying out the suggested communities

Originally Posted by ZachKnoxx
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I've switched over to your server as well. It appears to be the most reliable. Innovative's owners are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too ignorant for me. And plus it's SC-RP v2.0.

Here's my suggestion for anyone else looking for a good heavy roleplay server, go with Project Reality Roleplay. It may be boring to start off but it can get pretty fun. I also suggest Core Roleplay.

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