19.06.2015, 16:47
Hello Fellows!
Friends i am suffering from big problem in my script that are two player at once a zone so is someone who can tell me how to stop it and enable capture for one person at once.
This is the main part of capture zone
REP+ who help me to fix that problem
Friends i am suffering from big problem in my script that are two player at once a zone so is someone who can tell me how to stop it and enable capture for one person at once.
stock ActiveSnakeFarm(playerid) { if(Spectating[playerid] == 0 || PlayerInfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 0 || gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_MERC) { if(UnderAttack[SNAKE] == 0) { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { UnderAttack[SNAKE] = 1; timer[playerid][SNAKE] = SetTimerEx("SnakeFarm", 25000, false,"i",playerid); Captured[playerid][SNAKE] = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Stay in the capture checkpoint for 25 seconds to capture this zone!"); if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_EURASIA) { GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_EURASIA_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_ARAB) { GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_ARAB_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_SOVIET) { GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_SOVIET_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_USA) { GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_USA_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_AUS) { GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_AUS_COLOR); } //------Message----- if(tCP[SNAKE] == TEAM_EURASIA) { SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"This zone is captured by team "lime"<EURASIA>"); SendTeamMessage(TEAM_EURASIA, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Snakes Farm is under attack!"); } else if(tCP[SNAKE] == TEAM_ARAB) { SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"This zone is captured by team "lime"<ARAB>"); SendTeamMessage(TEAM_ARAB, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Snakes Farm is under attack!"); } else if(tCP[SNAKE] == TEAM_SOVIET) { SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"This zone is captured by team "lime"<SOVIET>"); SendTeamMessage(TEAM_SOVIET, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Snakes Farm is under attack!"); } else if(tCP[SNAKE] == TEAM_USA) { SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"This zone is captured by team "lime"<USA>"); SendTeamMessage(TEAM_USA, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Snakes Farm is under attack!"); } else if(tCP[SNAKE] == TEAM_AUS) { SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"This zone is captured by team "lime"<AUSTRALIA>"); SendTeamMessage(TEAM_AUS, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Snakes Farm is under attack!"); } else if(tCP[SNAKE] == TEAM_NONE) { SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"This zone is not captured by any team"); } //---------loop-------// for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++) { IsPlayerCapturing[i][SNAKE] = 1; } } else return CaptureZoneMessage(playerid, 1); } else return CaptureZoneMessage(playerid, 2); } else return CaptureZoneMessage(playerid, 3); return 1; } stock SnakeFarmCaptured(playerid) { Captured[playerid][SNAKE] = 1; UnderAttack[SNAKE] = 0; KillTimer(timer[playerid][SNAKE]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, CountText[playerid]); CountVar[playerid][SNAKE] = 25; GivePlayerScore(playerid, 5); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 5000); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rank1[playerid]); new str[200]; SendClientMessage(playerid, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"You have captured "lgreen"Snakes Farm "cwhite"for your team! "lgreen"+5 Score and +$5000."); //========================================================================== for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { IsPlayerCapturing[i][SNAKE] = 0; if(gTeam[i] == gTeam[playerid] && i != playerid && PlayerInfo[i][OnDuty] == 0) { SendClientMessage(i, C_DGREEN,"[ZONE] "cwhite"Your team has captured "lime"Snakes Farm "cwhite"! You receive "lime"+1 "cwhite"score for it!"); GivePlayerScore(i, 1); } } //========================================================================== tCP[SNAKE] = gTeam[playerid]; GangZoneStopFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE]); //========================================================================== if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_EURASIA) { GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_EURASIA_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_ARAB) { GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_ARAB_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_SOVIET) { GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_SOVIET_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_USA) { GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_USA_COLOR); } else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_AUS) { GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[SNAKE], TEAM_ZONE_AUS_COLOR); } //========================================================================== format(str, sizeof(str),"~y~%s ~w~has captured ~b~Snakes Farm ~w~for team ~r~%s", pName(playerid), GetTeamName(playerid)); SendBoxMessage(str); return 1; } stock LeavingSnakeFarm(playerid) { Captured[playerid][SNAKE] = 1; UnderAttack[SNAKE] = 0; KillTimer(timer[playerid][SNAKE]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, CountText[playerid]); CountVar[playerid][SNAKE] = 25; GangZoneStopFlashForAll(Zone[SNAKE]); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { IsPlayerCapturing[i][SNAKE] = 0; } SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"[ZONE] "cwhite"You have been failed to capture this zone!"); return 1; } forward SnakeFarm(playerid); public SnakeFarm(playerid) { SnakeFarmCaptured(playerid); return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { if(checkpointid == CP[SNAKE]) { if(Spectating[playerid] == 0) { if(UnderAttack[SNAKE] == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 0) { if(tCP[SNAKE] != gTeam[playerid]) { if(gTeam[playerid] != TEAM_MERC) { CountVar[playerid][SNAKE] = 25; ActiveSnakeFarm(playerid); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"*Mercenary team cannot capture zones"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"*This zone is controlled by your team!"); } else return CaptureZoneMessage(playerid, 3); } else return CaptureZoneMessage(playerid, 2); } else return 0; } return 1; }
REP+ who help me to fix that problem