Job problem (IM PAYING)

I want to learn how to add jobs....

Can someone give me a quick thing on how to add jobs? so give me a police job, and i will add all the others by learning from yours.

I've looked through many topics and could not find anything.

So can someone just give me everything i need to be able to have a police officer on my server? so the skin ID where they appear when they spawn and like the overall team color and everything.

So a basic job thing, just for a police officer.

I will pay $2 Via paypal for the first person who is able to do this for me, Without any errors.

i am wondering how to add jobs too some please help this guy


Just use a Variable, eg.

pawn Код:
new JobPolice[MAX_PLAYERS];

if (strcmp("/announce", cmdtext, true, 9) == 0)
    if (JobPolice[playerid] == 1)
        if(cmdtext[9] == 0)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "USAGE: /announce [message]");
            return 1;
    new str[128];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, str, sizeof(str));
    format(str, sizeof(str), "San Andreas Police Announcement: %s [%s]", cmdtext[10], str);
    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ANNOUNCE, str);
    return 1;
Something like that? You can make special things for only Police by checking with
pawn Код:
if (JobPolice[playerid] == 1)

I need like a whole cop team made for me, so i can learn and make my own teams from it.

So can you add everything i need and i will pay you for your script

I can't be bothered & I don't have paypal either, just learn from that piece of code, I did.

Anyone else willing to post code that works ? I'm paying


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