17.06.2015, 11:05
When the command run it changed all the data in the database not only the data of the certain house which the player should buy
And it take the money from the player and also send a message that he isn't near the house?!
PHP код:
CMD:buyhouse(playerid, params[])
for(new a; a != HouseLoad; ++a)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, HouseInfo[a][EntranceX], HouseInfo[a][EntranceY], HouseInfo[a][EntranceZ]))
if(HouseInfo[a][HousePrice] > GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You don't have enough money!");
new draw[200];
format(draw,sizeof(draw),"ID: %i\nPrice %i\nOwned: Yes\nOwner: %s",PlayerName(playerid));
new query[200];
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE houses SET owner='%s', owned='true', text='%s' WHERE id='%i'", PlayerName(playerid), draw, HouseInfo[a][HouseID]);
mysql_query(1, query);
Update3DTextLabelText(HouseLabel, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo[a][HouseText]);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -HouseInfo[a][HousePrice]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouseID] = HouseInfo[a][HouseID];
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You've bought this house successfully!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not near any house");
return 1;