16.06.2015, 21:44
Last edited by trablon; 17/06/2015 at 01:16 AM.

Hello guys, today i'm going to release my script that most wanted by any players.This script has an unique options on its own.This script is similar to some kind of RPG servers.(argonath rpg etc.)Did you ever imagine it that you are fighting to fire with your fire extinguisher? Well then, there is no need to say about this script.Details are on the below.You can add more fire zone by using my code scheme.If you need help, just let me know.Also, i recommend you to check up my codes to see my fire system, you will learn what is right nor what is wrong.Thanks for using my script, have a good scripting gentlemen!
When you use the command named "/startfire" , it is going to fires in idlewood zone.When you type a command named "/duty", you will get your stuff to fight with fire!
Fires have HP(100 HP), so when you are trying to fight with your stuff(fire extinguisher), that HP amount will be decreased by you.When it's #0, fire will be gone.Also every percent of fire that you fought, you will get that much cash for your duty.