KingPlayer's Signatures [Request a signature for FREE]

Hello, people!

Well, I know that this is the third thread about free signatures, but I am really bored now and I want to make some signatures for people around here.
(I'm not doing this to gain reps)

The format you need to use is:

Size(width x height):
Background(You'll have to find a background yourself):
Text type(3D or normal one):

I just got the 3D tool and I'll use it just sometimes, because, it's on my other computer.

Show us your work, please.

Originally Posted by DeathFire
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Show us your work, please.
Why should I? I made the thread for free signatures, not for a showcase.

EDIT - And if you don't like my work, just don't reply here.

Okay I will request to make me a signature to try your skills in making a good signatures

Size(width x height): 1280x720
Text: [DRD]
Text2: Konverse
Background(You'll have to find a background yourself): (this will be set as my profile picture)
Colors: Orange
Text type(3D or normal one): 3D

Originally Posted by Konverse
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Okay I will request to make me a signature to try your skills in making a good signatures

Size(width x height): 1280x720
Text: [DRD]
Text2: Konverse
Background(You'll have to find a background yourself): (this will be set as my profile picture)
Colors: Orange
Text type(3D or normal one): 3D
That's a big resolution. You sure you want it like that?

Originally Posted by KingPlayer
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That's a big resolution. You sure you want it like that?
Yes I want to have this kind of resolution. Can you make me one?

Originally Posted by Konverse
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Okay I will request to make me a signature to try your skills in making a good signatures

Size(width x height): 1280x720
Text: [DRD]
Text2: Konverse
Background(You'll have to find a background yourself): (this will be set as my profile picture)
Colors: Orange
Text type(3D or normal one): 3D
This is a simple work. I'm just trying to do my best. I am just a beginner with the 3D stuff. I'm sorry if you don't like it.

Originally Posted by KingPlayer
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This is a simple work. I'm just trying to do my best. I am just a beginner with the 3D stuff. I'm sorry if you don't like it.
Good Job u will get there just like me im still practicing

Originally Posted by KingPlayer
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This is a simple work. I'm just trying to do my best. I am just a beginner with the 3D stuff. I'm sorry if you don't like it.
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you shouldn't cover her face cuz it's more appealing. Anyway at least you did your best. I was hoping that the text should be below her thighs ._.

@tafara, your still practicing? you actually did good with that artwork you just made to me

Originally Posted by Konverse
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Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you shouldn't cover her face cuz it's more appealing. Anyway at least you did your best. I was hoping that the text should be below her thighs ._.
xD, I'm sorry about that. :P

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