11.06.2015, 06:54
Последний раз редактировалось codectile; 11.06.2015 в 08:20.
I have been working on a project called SAPhysics, which has a purpose of simulating physics server side. It is more like a research project, researching how to cope up 2015s physics engine with 2004s game. Though, after a lot of head banging I found a way to simulate objects without encountering an ackslimit issue. It is nature's rule that if there is something good, there will obviously be something bad to balance the cycle. Here the good thing is simulation does not give any ackslimit errors, and the bad thing is simulation lag (not the server lag).
Now, the simulation depends on number of objects. Lesser the objects, smoother the simulation. I had done some stress test on the simulation and it works without any issues. The main purpose behind creating this thread is, I wanted to know whether this kind of simulation lag would be acceptable or not. The video below will help you out to decide. If you want to use 20 objects, the simulation will not lag much, as compared to 40 objects.
To be noted, the video below shows simulation of 40 objects. Under the influence of gravity it will be a bit laggy because it will keep on accelerating vertically downwards. We can assume horizontally moving objects will lag less.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgY1YeYa99o"]SAPhysics Simulation Acceptance[/ame]
If the "Acceptable" bar exceeds "Not Acceptable" bar, I will look forward to this project.
If not I won't regret because it was kinda research project.
The poll will end after 7 days.
Thank you,
I have been working on a project called SAPhysics, which has a purpose of simulating physics server side. It is more like a research project, researching how to cope up 2015s physics engine with 2004s game. Though, after a lot of head banging I found a way to simulate objects without encountering an ackslimit issue. It is nature's rule that if there is something good, there will obviously be something bad to balance the cycle. Here the good thing is simulation does not give any ackslimit errors, and the bad thing is simulation lag (not the server lag).
Now, the simulation depends on number of objects. Lesser the objects, smoother the simulation. I had done some stress test on the simulation and it works without any issues. The main purpose behind creating this thread is, I wanted to know whether this kind of simulation lag would be acceptable or not. The video below will help you out to decide. If you want to use 20 objects, the simulation will not lag much, as compared to 40 objects.
To be noted, the video below shows simulation of 40 objects. Under the influence of gravity it will be a bit laggy because it will keep on accelerating vertically downwards. We can assume horizontally moving objects will lag less.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgY1YeYa99o"]SAPhysics Simulation Acceptance[/ame]
If the "Acceptable" bar exceeds "Not Acceptable" bar, I will look forward to this project.
If not I won't regret because it was kinda research project.
The poll will end after 7 days.
Thank you,