Do Re-Skin Mods Affect the Server?

Hi there, my name is Kingrhem and I have a question..
When I use weapon re skin mods do they affect the server like other players seeing glitched models?
Also do vehicle mods appear glitched to other players?
Thank you

It's only different on your screen.

It will still deal the same amount of damage.

If it somehow gives you an unfair advantage, it is most likely considered cheating.
It may cause some strange effects on a persons screen which does not have the mod installed.

The same goes for vehicle mods.
It will only look different on your screen.

If the vehicle handling or speed is improved, it will surely show to others in just the same way as you see speed hackers. But this is not the case if you only change the vehicle textures.

I only have mutilpe weapon skin mods, fixed vanilla vehicles and one that changes the Premier police car into Merit Police car dose it affect anybody?

The size might matter a little for you, as in.

You get rammed on your Merit's tail while on the other persons screen he never actually hit you.
But the skin just changes it for you basically. This goes for both vehicles and ped skins.

As long as the weapon only 'looks' different there won't be any problem.

Thank you

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