[GameMode] Romania Gaming V3 SA-MP (rG3 RPG)

Frist of all, we should answer to some question, no?

What is this project?
This is an open source project between some romanian (or not) sa-mp scripters. This gamemode is an RPG, because in our country (Romania) is the most played one.

Who worked at this gamemode?
Here you can see all members of this projectclick

How much does it costs?
This project is free (and will remain free!), If you want to donate (and we would be glad if you do it), you can press the PayPal button from the bottom of the page.

What means rGaming v3?
Well, maybe the name isn't very well chosed, but it stands for r(Romania) Gaming v3 (v2 was taken by a gaming comunity). We will abbreviate it to rG3.

  • SA-MP 0.3.7
  • Streamer
  • MySQL R34 (you can choose between multiple connections)
  • English (I have a very bad english, there are many grammar mistakes)
Full description and the download link can be found here: click - please don't mirror (use the translator in the right side of the page)

Nice work..

Per total, the gamemode looks really good. Nice job!

((Te rog sa imi dai adresa ta de Skype, sau sa ma adaugi tu. Merci!))

Nice gamemode +REPed

gotta read the code, keep it up I hope to see more from you

verry nice.

`hi guys> was wondering why i cant login to this?I'm connected apparently but no skins show @ the spawn page and when i click Spawn it closes connection.Also in the console it says Number of vehicle models: 0.Any help will be most appreciated.


Please post the server logs (Mysql and txt)
*edit: If I don't respond to you, please post a reply in the forum's topic

Seems like some of RuNix's game mode stunt are leaked again but not gonna judge. Nicely done good job


Can`t say wow, but it is ok. +REP for your efforts translating it.

Thank you guys!!

Originally Posted by Mauricee
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Please post the server logs (Mysql and txt)
*edit: If I don't respond to you, please post a reply in the forum's topic
Thanks Mauricee > I got it working. It was something stupid I was doing.I am a bit of a nOoB to mysql.Btw nice gamemode and ty for sharing.

salut nu gasesc unde sa pun user si parola de mysql ca sa imi mearga si baza de date

Originally Posted by lcy95
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salut nu gasesc unde sa pun user si parola de mysql ca sa imi mearga si baza de date
(( He asked me where to modify the database details ))

In folderul scriptfiles ai un fisier care se numeste "MySQL.txt", intrii acolo si scrii 1, daca doresti sa folosesti conexiunea 1, sau 2, daca vrei conexiunea 2.
Acum, intrii in GM la linia 2198 si modifici de acolo detaliile pentru conexiunea setata in fisierul anterior.

(( In the folder scriptfiles, you'll see a file called "MySQL.txt", you edit it, using your desire connection details. You can input only "1" or "2". Then, you enter in the GM, and on the line 2198 you'll see the database details of the number inputed some seconds ago. ))

Maurice, how can i resolve this problem? (app, sunt roman)

I have to use mysql to upload this gamemode?

Mauricee (or anyone who knows)I was just wondering how to set Yourself as President? When i try to use the cmd /Createhouse it says "Only for president".Thanks.

Nice Work

How do i change config of mysql connection?where is it?

Originally Posted by PowerF
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How do i change config of mysql connection?where is it?
Go to /scriptfiles MySQL.txt and pick 1 or 2 >>Hope this helps

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