21.05.2015, 17:51
So, I'm trying to load mb locations from the MySQL db and then when it's time to create mb in a random location, it chooses a random location from the mb locations which are loaded from the database.
Load MB from db
Mb creating
I tried printing the randombag, but it keeps randomizing at 0.
Load MB from db
public loadMBs() { print("loading moneybags initialized"); for(new i = 0; i < cache_get_row_count(mysql); ++i) { cache_get_field_content(i, "mbloc", MBInfo[i][mbloc], mysql,128); MBInfo[i][mbX] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "mbX", mysql); MBInfo[i][mbY] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "mbY", mysql); MBInfo[i][mbZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "mbZ", mysql); totalMoneyBags++; } printf("%d moneybags loaded!", totalMoneyBags); mbTimer[1] = SetTimer("MoneyBag", 300000, true); return 1; }
new randombag = random(sizeof(totalMoneyBags)); printf("%d", randombag); MoneyBagPos[0] = MBInfo[randombag][mbX]; MoneyBagPos[1] = MBInfo[randombag][mbY]; MoneyBagPos[2] = MBInfo[randombag][mbZ]; MBInfo[randombag][mbactive] = 1;