Gpci help

Hi guys i am looking for help i created a gpci system but when i start a server , and i join server closed the connection anyone can help me

It's not unique for each player.

- You kick/ban player A and save their ...
- Player B connects and has the same ... as player A
- Player B gets kicked/banned unfairly because it's coded like that.

Okay i will delete that but does have any idea how to ban a player permanently bcz they join with VPN , can i detect all of the vpn's ip with HTTP or something like that ?

It's impossible to ban someone permanently. They will always try to ban evade by changing IP/using VPN.

Most of the times range bans are useful though.

How can i take a range of ban ip ?? I want a file when i can see all of the vpn ip becuse one server have that , onplayer attempt to login with vpn server check if he use vpn

/rcon banip*.*

And he cant play never more in the server and if he use vpn ??

Do you even read? VPN services supply users with virtually unlimited IP addresses. I think the closest you can get to banning those is implementing a reverse DNS mechanism to check the ISP. Then kick the user if it contains keywords like host, server, services, etc.

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