Having issues with NPC's.

pawn Код:
#define RECORDING "tramnpc" //This is the filename of your recording without the extension.
#define RECORDING_TYPE 1 //1 for in vehicle and 2 for on foot.

#include <a_npc>
public OnRecordingPlaybackEnd() StartRecordingPlayback(RECORDING_TYPE, RECORDING);

  public OnNPCEnterVehicle(vehicleid, seatid) StartRecordingPlayback(RECORDING_TYPE, RECORDING);
  public OnNPCExitVehicle() StopRecordingPlayback();
  public OnNPCSpawn() StartRecordingPlayback(RECORDING_TYPE, RECORDING);
I pretty much copied a tutorial, it still doesn't work.

The recording filename is called 'tramnpc'
The file above is called record, Yes I compiled it.

pawn Код:
    tramid = CreateVehicle(449, -1583.0962,1063.5284,7.0468, 0, 3, 3, 0,0);
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) //Checks if the player that just spawned is an NPC.
          PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, tramid, 0); //Putting the NPC into the vehicle we created for it.
I've changed the Maxnpcs to 5, it also isn't blocked by the firewall, any ideas?

I can slap the NPC, can't TP it and he won't drive the vehicle, have I missed anything?

Well, each NPC is meant to have a script that they run in under 'npcmodes'. Did you create that little NPC script?

try adding the following in OnPlayerConnect, OnPlayerDisconnect and OnPlayerRequestClass

pawn Код:
if( IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
    return 1;

Are you sure your NPC isn't doing the registration/login dialog or any other dialog appearing upon connection?

Checked both of those things, still unresolved.

Bump still unresolved, the NPC is connected to the server but does not spawn in the vehicle.

iknow you already posted important parts of the script are they still the same ?
i could compare it with a script i have spawning npc's in trams.
If i remember correct, i had issues with them too while they did spawn correctly in 'normal' vehicles.

I tried a different vehicle since I thought that, myself.

Could you maybe show me your script?

I had to dig deep into my files its a simple part but im sorry i cant be sure if it actually works but here you
are. Maybe you get some ideas..who knows...

pawn Код:
tram1 = AddStaticVehicle(449,-2264.6882,527.2341,35.5907,180.4091,194,180);// tram (duh)
        // i remember using staticvehicle is better than using createvehicle if it comes to npc
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)

    if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) //Checks if the player that just spawned is an NPC.
        new npcname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, npcname, sizeof(npcname));
        if(!strcmp(npcname,"Jack",true)) {//
            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 60);
            PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,tram1, 0);
   return 1;
Dont have anything in onplayerconnect its just this.
BTW maybe because of isplayernpc return 1 in any script could conflict the use of npc's in your GM.
make sure to outrule that too.

Thanks, I'll check this.

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