12.05.2015, 15:53
Hi , i have a small problem , when i do /park it's say "The vehicle will be respawned here next time" , but when i respawn all vehicles , the vehicle will respawned at the default positions, if anyone can help :
ParkVehicles fonction
ParkVehicles fonction
PHP код:
stock parkVehicles(vehicleid, int, vw)
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetVehiclePos(Vehicles[vehicleid][vehicleData], x, y, z);
GetVehicleZAngle(Vehicles[vehicleid][vehicleData], Vehicles[vehicleid][vehPos][3]);
Vehicles[vehicleid][vehPos][0] = x;
Vehicles[vehicleid][vehPos][1] = y;
Vehicles[vehicleid][vehPos][2] = z;
Vehicles[vehicleid][vehInt] = int;
Vehicles[vehicleid][vehVW] = vw;
return 1;
PHP код:
new i = Player[playerid][carVCP];
parkVehicles(i, GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
Server(playerid, "Your Vehicle will be spawned here next time.");