native problem

i have one problem i create one include and have one problem on include

code problem here

native SCM(playerid, color, const message[]);
and if load to test server and start client have this problem

Script[gamemodes/g.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

Are you trying to make SCM do the same thing as SendClientMessage ? If so, you could just use "#define" at the top of you script, no includes needed.

Also, if you still need help with this, please post a reply with more information so the people here can know what you want to do .

i fix this problem now have this problem i create new plugin on visual and have this problem -_-...
Error: Function not registered: 'SCM'

thnx guys i fix my problem!

As long as it's not samp native or by a plugin, it will be given as not registered function (which it is).

EDIT: Nevemind, didn't refresh the page before posting.

yes dry simply forgot to I do finally add plugin in .cfg xD

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