SA-MP 0.3.7 RC (now released)

There is a GetPlayerCameraTargetActor(playerid); .. lmfao

Did you guys even check the includes? hehe

Please see

Originally Posted by Kar
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There is a GetPlayerCameraTargetActor(playerid); .. lmfao

Did you guys even check the includes? hehe

Please see
I checked. I always check the latest modified includes when I upgrade. I don't recall seeing this function before RC6-2 though... :P

There is a HUGE difference between:


And GetPlayerTarget...

The camera function detects if the player is looking at something, while the target functions check if their crosshair is on the player / or whatever.

Originally Posted by Abagail
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There is a HUGE difference between:


And GetPlayerTarget...

The camera function detects if the player is looking at something, while the target functions check if their crosshair is on the player / or whatever.
But! You can see if the player is playing an aiming anim, which would be like the aiming target. Although distance will not be great.

Originally Posted by Abagail
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There is a HUGE difference between:


And GetPlayerTarget...

The camera function detects if the player is looking at something, while the target functions check if their crosshair is on the player / or whatever.
Dude, you know that we know that right? I just stated it because nobody seemed to realize it was added.

I really want GetPlayerTargetActor so we can make GTAV robberies perfect but just beware, we have already suggested it.. just wait and see what happens.

I only said that because that was your response to someone requesting a function GetPlayerTargetActor function but meh, whatever. That is a good point @Crayder, but that can sometimes be inaccurate. It'd be best to have a default function. The one thing that I don't understand is I thought 0.3.7 was on function lock-down? But apparently a huge new system was added? Where is the logic here?

I wasn't responding to anyone lol.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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- Adds simple static actor system.

nice update with the actor's we need a function for aiming on actor... the actor's have not a playerid so we dont can use "GetPlayerTargetPlayer".

Here's a little gist with some actor manipulation and it reapplies static actor animations on stream in.

This code is from kcnr.

Originally Posted by Phцnix
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nice update with the actor's we need a function for aiming on actor... the actor's have not a playerid so we dont can use "GetPlayerTargetPlayer".
Originally Posted by Kar
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Dude, you know that we know that right? I just stated it because nobody seemed to realize it was added.

I really want GetPlayerTargetActor so we can make GTAV robberies perfect but just beware, we have already suggested it.. just wait and see what happens.
I have made that experimental function in my include.
If you ever get time to try it(peds.ic R4):

SA-MP 0.3.7 RC6-3 Optional server update

- If an actor animation has the loop or freeze parameter enabled, the animation will be automatically reapplied when the actor streams in for players.

Fixed guys!

Thank you Kalcor!

Originally Posted by Kar
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SA-MP 0.3.7 RC6-3 Optional server update

- If an actor animation has the loop or freeze parameter enabled, the animation will be automatically reapplied when the actor streams in for players.

Fixed guys!

Thank you Kalcor!
I love these rapid updates! 4 updates in one day (not EXACTLY one day, little over)!

Well, there is no support for OnPlayerWeaponShot, i made a debug and the result is:


[10:53:49] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.534378, -73.019058, 1.691428
[10:53:58] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.576492, -72.904090, 0.883699
[10:54:02] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.640502, -72.845352, 1.990501
[10:54:03] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.674331, -72.863838, 1.988650
[10:54:03] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.503036, -72.791900, 2.141450
[10:54:06] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.595382, -72.798164, 0.777855
[10:54:07] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 141.241790, -72.397750, 0.429687
[10:54:09] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.373657, -72.811286, 0.429687
[10:54:10] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.583465, -72.814895, 0.857048
[10:54:10] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.570129, -72.774185, 0.830741
[10:54:11] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.591735, -72.827926, 0.852727
[10:54:12] weapon: 24 | hittype: 0 | hitid: 65535 | 140.611480, -72.856788, 0.813872

These actor don't take bullets, we have to calculate the bullets hitting the actor and apply anims and ...

If kalcor thinks of adding more, please add actors to take damage.

Originally Posted by Gammix
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Well, there is no support for OnPlayerWeaponShot, i made a debug and the result is:

These actor don't take bullets, we have to calculate the bullets hitting the actor and apply anims and ...

If kalcor thinks of adding more, please add actors to take damage.
If OnPlayerWeaponShot is ever given support for Actors, it should be as a hittype. BULLET_HIT_TYPE_ACTOR!

Originally Posted by Crayder
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If OnPlayerWeaponShot is ever given support for Actors, it should be as a hittype. BULLET_HIT_TYPE_ACTOR!
Well duh? What else would it be? BULLET_HIT_TYPE_CARROT?

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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SA-MP 0.3.7 RC6-3 Optional server update

- If an actor animation has the loop or freeze parameter enabled, the animation will be automatically reapplied when the actor streams in for players.
Thank you so much for this Kalcor.

i cant run my samp server bro

Originally Posted by Crayder
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They are not objects. They are literally actors. In GTASA all pedestrians and mission characters are actors. Your player is a character. SA-MP's NPCs are characters too.
I compare them with objects because you can only create, move, rotate and animate. No attached objects, no chat, no commands, no records... so scripting side talking they are simple objects. It is very hard to make an actor do what you can do with a simple npc record.

Actors as curiosity are welcome and perhaps they will be useful for many role games but I missed some new NPC features in 0.3.7

By the way... Thanks a lot Kalcor and SAMP Team for the great work!!

The players of my server are waiting the official release impatiently...

Originally Posted by MP2
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Why is it needed? They appear in all interiors, just like players and NPCs. Interiors don't affect players. You can just set their VW.
What if we want them to only appear in one interior?

Originally Posted by mirou123
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What if we want them to only appear in one interior?
That's the reason why we can set their virtual world, its obvious... You can't set their interior.

Originally Posted by mirou123
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What if we want them to only appear in one interior?
For now we can't, use NPC.

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