
I hate this soldifiles, I can't even open the files from it ._. can any one learn me how to open it pls ._.
Iam tring to open it, when I open it it give me error like this, " "
Sorry, for my bad English.
Alot of members upload full filterscripts on the site, I can't take the filterscribts or do any thing cuz this shit.

That's because you are clicking the wrong button. You don't have to download the .exe version of the script but the actual .pwn file.


Originally Posted by Bible
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That's because you are clicking the wrong button. You don't have to download the .exe version of the script but the actual .pwn file.

ty ty ty ty ty ty tyty tyty from today to tommorow <3

Glad I could help .

The BIG download button already looks like a "ad" button..

General info: Never click on blinking, big buttons, that buttons are "ad" buttons. Hover your mouse, on that button and check that - the link doesn't contain something like "/adserv, or ad" or something like that, avoid that types of links!

Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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General info: Never click on blinking, big buttons, that buttons are "ad" buttons. Hover your mouse, on that button and check that - the link doesn't contain something like "/adserv, or ad" or something like that, avoid that types of links!
Read this several times so it stays in your head.


Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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General info: Never click on blinking, big buttons, that buttons are "ad" buttons. Hover your mouse, on that button and check that - the link doesn't contain something like "/adserv, or ad" or something like that, avoid that types of links!
Well, solidfiles' download button is very hard to tell from an ad. I've made the same mistake a few times.

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