Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

Originally Posted by Orma
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Ever contemplated adding more weapons?
[...long list...]
Why don't you suggest a new graphics and physics engine, while you're at it?
Don't want to be rude, but SA-MP was conceived as a mod for GTA San Andreas, not a completely new game.

Also may I suggest
stickvehicletovehicle(vehicle1id, vehicle2id);
used for attatching vehicles just like objects to other vehicles, not as a trailer. It can serve to script sky cranes.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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Why don't you suggest a new graphics and physics engine, while you're at it?
Don't want to be rude, but SA-MP was conceived as a mod for GTA San Andreas, not a completely new game.
It wouldn't be a completely new game, as it would hopefully work within the confines of the games own engine.
SAMP would need to add an extra audio library to the .exe download, and add the weapon models/textures to SAMP.img, plus a small amount of data tinkering - but apart from that it would work completely within the original game.

Originally Posted by Aira
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They have fixed the SAMP Lag-Shooting issue already, What I want next is the vehicle desync to be fixed (can't wait for legit PIT's), although I think it's almost impossible haha :P
*coughs* MTA:SA *coughs*

Originally Posted by stabker
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I dont see any reason, why GetPlayerPosForPlayer must be impossible. Of course, i'm talking about streamed player. Why not?
The player reports all (streamed in) player positions to the clients, the client doesn't reply these positions back, for that would be useless and only use bandwidth. The server assumes a player has up-to-date data of all streamed in players. Therefore it would return the same value for GetPlayerPosForPlayer as for GetPlayerPos.

Object collision toggling, 0.3.7 pls.


native CreateWater(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:width, Float:height, color[]);
native SetWaveHeight(Float:Height);
native DestroyWater(waterid);
native ToggleHUDComponnent(componentid, bool:toggle);
native TogglePlayerChat(playerid, bool:toggle);
native SetPlayerCloth(playerid, modelid, bodypart); //just work for CJ skin obviously
native SetPlayerBodyStats(playerid, stat);//Fat, strong...
native SetPlayerStamina(playerid, Float:amount);
native GetPlayerStamina(playerid);
native SetClothMaterial(playerid, clothid, modelid,  txdname[], texturename[], materialcolor);
native DisableRequestClass();
native SetTextDrawPreviewMaterial(textid, previewmodel, model, index,  txdname[], texturename[], materialcolor);
native SetPlayerTextDrawPreviewMaterial(playerid, playertextid, model, index, txdname[], texturename[], materialcolor);
native SetPlayerRadioStation(playerid, radioid);
native ToggleObjectCollision(objectid, bool:toogle);
And maybe some new models like animals: dogs, cats, bears and others...

i know thats already scriptable but it looks terrible with all the empty messages in combination with timestamps. maybe an option to fadeout the chat after a given time and/or result in a cleanup for inactive chats? :3


Maybe with the function to cleanup the camera view inside an paynspray if you want to remove it completly and rework the place.
good for servers who dont want to seal them and for the scripters who want to make a serverside garage in the original position.

Calls when a player executes RCON command in-game.

Parameters: playerid, cmd[]
Return handles : RCON command should be executed if returned 1, 0 to block.

Originally Posted by ikkentim
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The player reports all (streamed in) player positions to the clients, the client doesn't reply these positions back, for that would be useless and only use bandwidth. The server assumes a player has up-to-date data of all streamed in players. Therefore it would return the same value for GetPlayerPosForPlayer as for GetPlayerPos.
Oh, I get it. Thx.
Reply from 0.3x... someone already done.

I am not sure if this suggested before i would like to suggest:
- more wall objects.
- more door objects
- more gate objects
- realistic pools (objects)
- realistic sauna pool like The Sims.
- realistic garden stuff objects to make your own house garden.
- more masks (Anonymous, Hooligan, Robber e.t.c)
- more houses
- more roads
- realistic tents (normal and army tents)
- more army stuffs
- realistic road signs (for Roleplay)
- Wild Wild West Stuffs

Originally Posted by n0minal
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native CreateWater(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:width, Float:height, color[]);
native SetWaveHeight(Float:Height);
native DestroyWater(waterid);
native ToggleHUDComponnent(componentid, bool:toggle);
native TogglePlayerChat(playerid, bool:toggle);
native SetPlayerCloth(playerid, modelid, bodypart); //just work for CJ skin obviously
native SetPlayerBodyStats(playerid, stat);//Fat, strong...
native SetPlayerStamina(playerid, Float:amount);
native GetPlayerStamina(playerid);
native SetClothMaterial(playerid, clothid, modelid,  txdname[], texturename[], materialcolor);
native DisableRequestClass();
native SetTextDrawPreviewMaterial(textid, previewmodel, model, index,  txdname[], texturename[], materialcolor);
native SetPlayerTextDrawPreviewMaterial(playerid, playertextid, model, index, txdname[], texturename[], materialcolor);
native SetPlayerRadioStation(playerid, radioid);
native ToggleObjectCollision(objectid, bool:toogle);
And maybe some new models like animals: dogs, cats, bears and others...
It would be unlikely to do that to a ped's pants color or shirt. You'd be changing the whole ped's texture. Unless if you switched it with another one. I do like your ideas though.

How about customizable weapon.dat for your server

if you use your brain i sad clearly without wiki

If you both use your brains,you will notice this isnt the place to discuss beta's,its about SAMP

Originally Posted by BGTrucker
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If you both use your brains,you will notice this isnt the place to discuss beta's,its about SAMP
Yet here you are talking about the articulated trailer in the Beta cuts...

This thread is for SA:MP suggestions, not just SAMP... Some of these beta skins and other objects have been re-rigged and worked, to be in SAMP, so your comments, have no basis.

Again, it's Suggestions for Future SA:MP additions, and posting up the Beta Cuts is useful information to show what could possibly still be in the gamefiles for usage, by..... SA:MP

I just explained a little more detailed about that unfinished roadtrain trailer.
If you wanna have more vehicles to use in SAMP,they have to be added to SAMP client installer so they could be installed with the client in the SAMP.img file,so you can use them in all servers.But for that the SAMP developers will need to add extra handling lines being installed with the SAMP client files.And still,attaching multiple semi-trailers is buggy/glitchy.If you move even a little,they get jacknifed,and start flying like crazy,also attaching more than obe trailer makes the rest of the trailers after the first trailer respawn too quickly even if they arent detached.Happens even with the bagbox trailers no matter that they are made for attaching multiple trailers.
Oh,and may be this is the place where I should mention that for some reason attaching farmtr(model id 610) to tractor is possible on single player but impossible in multiplayer.Idk what is the reason for that but I suggest it should be made possible.

Originally Posted by BGTrucker
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I just explained a little more detailed about that unfinished roadtrain trailer.
If you wanna have more vehicles to use in SAMP,they have to be added to SAMP client installer so they could be installed with the client in the SAMP.img file,so you can use them in all servers.But for that the SAMP developers will need to add extra handling lines being installed with the SAMP client files.And still,attaching multiple semi-trailers is buggy/glitchy.If you move even a little,they get jacknifed,and start flying like crazy,also attaching more than obe trailer makes the rest of the trailers after the first trailer respawn too quickly even if they arent detached.Happens even with the bagbox trailers no matter that they are made for attaching multiple trailers.
Oh,and may be this is the place where I should mention that for some reason attaching farmtr(model id 610) to tractor is possible on single player but impossible in multiplayer.Idk what is the reason for that but I suggest it should be made possible.
That doesn't address why we're not allowed to be talking of the Beta Cuts, as per your theory before.

This is after all the thread for Suggestions, not you saying about things in the beta cuts, then when we list Beta Cuts you tell us the thread isn't for that.

Just because you see it somewhat "urgent" for you to have a roadtrain (Which wasn't in the singleplayer, due to it being cut out BEFORE release) doesn't mean you'll get it, or even that it's possible.

Exactly the same with all the Beta Cuts. There is no harm, in listing them for people to view.

In single player there are many things that work, yet in multiplayer they don't. Doesn't mean they'll all be added, or if they can at all.

As for your statement about extra vehicles having to be installed in SAMP, you're incorrect... GTA United has extra cars in it, and they're not from the multiplayer launcher. They don't HAVE to be.

They can be added by third party mods, however, SAMP needs to be altered to address that vehicle.

So by theory, if the complete car was in the data files of GTA SA, you'd be able to address it and use it, much the same as the objects that get found and added in over time.

OnPlayerVehicleTakeDamage(playerid,vehicleid,float :damage)

PlayerDialogUpdate(playerid, dialogid, text[]); // update dialog's text without reloading the dialog
EnterDialogText(playerid, dialogid, text[]); // enter the text in dialog's field by server side

PutActorInVehicle(actorid, vehicleid, seatid);
SetActorArmour(actorid, Float:armour);
SetActorSpecialActior(actorid, action);
OnPlayerExhaustFire(playerid, fireid); // open when fire(eg. from vehicle or some weapon) was exhausted by player (from vehicle or exhauster)
Also Kalcor, add 2nd lane for trains/trams

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