16.04.2015, 16:18
Последний раз редактировалось Emp3r0r; 17.04.2015 в 17:51.
Hello everyone. Today i will be releasing a gamemode specifically made for movie making.
The gamemode is called EmpMovies(Or, like in the gamemode itself "Movies").
This is the version 0.1 and this is also the second gamemode i am creating.
A lot of new stuff will be added in the version 0.2, so I'm open for suggestions.
The gamemode also features a Admin system, also scripted by me, but it doesn't have much commands, since i still
don't know what should I do with the 0.2 version. I don't know should I make some basic commands for RCON, or
expand this one.
Also, this gamemode does not contain any maps, so it's a clean San Andreas map. I feel no need for maps in this kind
of a gamemode, but some maps might be added in 0.2 version like FBI and some Gang zones, to help with the movies.
/teles - All server teleports (Only /ls, /lv and /sf. In the 0.2 version, there will probably be teleports to Bone County etc.).
/help - Basic Help.
/credits - Credits....(You can delete my name under "Scripter" and "Owner").
/about - About the gamemode.
/anims - List of animations.
/stopanim - Stop the animation(Alternatively, press spacebar).
/skin - Change your skin (Skins are not getting saved, /saveskin might be added in v2.0).
/namesoff - Turn nametags off.
/nameson - Turn nametags on.
/car - Spawn a vehicle.
/carcolor - Change the vehicle color.
/kill - Suicide.
/weapon (or /w) - Spawn a weapon.
/goto - Teleport to a player.
/nogoto - Block all teleports.
/mytime - Set your time.
/myweather - Set your weather.
/para - Spawn a parachute (Alternatively use /weapon)
/god - Invincibility on/off (You can still spawn weapons in /god. This is enabled due to movie making)
** Thanks to KARAN007 for this rappelling system **
/br - Building rappel
/hr - Helicopter rappel
/s - Stop rapelling
/admins - See all online Administrators.
Admin Commands :
First, to make yourself an admin, login to RCON, then use /setlevel [ID] [Level]. (Only levels 1(promoted) and 0(demoted) are availible, due to a small number of commands.
/kick - Kick a player.
/ban - Ban a player.
/unban - Unban a player.
/oflban - Ban an offline player.
/akill - Kill a player.
* Emp3r0r slaps - Slap a player. around a bit with a large trout.
Some features you might want to turn off :
These are optional, but if you don't want them disable them.
These are filterscripts, so to disable them open server.cfg, and remove them off the filterscripts line.
Autorepair - Vehicle repairs automaticly on damage.
Infinite NOS - Infinite nitro.
DOWNLOAD LINK(Full Server package) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/1v1yxz3oe1...emode.zip?dl=0
Thanks to Desperados for Testing !
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the gamemode !
The gamemode is called EmpMovies(Or, like in the gamemode itself "Movies").
This is the version 0.1 and this is also the second gamemode i am creating.
A lot of new stuff will be added in the version 0.2, so I'm open for suggestions.
The gamemode also features a Admin system, also scripted by me, but it doesn't have much commands, since i still
don't know what should I do with the 0.2 version. I don't know should I make some basic commands for RCON, or
expand this one.
Also, this gamemode does not contain any maps, so it's a clean San Andreas map. I feel no need for maps in this kind
of a gamemode, but some maps might be added in 0.2 version like FBI and some Gang zones, to help with the movies.
/teles - All server teleports (Only /ls, /lv and /sf. In the 0.2 version, there will probably be teleports to Bone County etc.).
/help - Basic Help.
/credits - Credits....(You can delete my name under "Scripter" and "Owner").
/about - About the gamemode.
/anims - List of animations.
/stopanim - Stop the animation(Alternatively, press spacebar).
/skin - Change your skin (Skins are not getting saved, /saveskin might be added in v2.0).
/namesoff - Turn nametags off.
/nameson - Turn nametags on.
/car - Spawn a vehicle.
/carcolor - Change the vehicle color.
/kill - Suicide.
/weapon (or /w) - Spawn a weapon.
/goto - Teleport to a player.
/nogoto - Block all teleports.
/mytime - Set your time.
/myweather - Set your weather.
/para - Spawn a parachute (Alternatively use /weapon)
/god - Invincibility on/off (You can still spawn weapons in /god. This is enabled due to movie making)
** Thanks to KARAN007 for this rappelling system **
/br - Building rappel
/hr - Helicopter rappel
/s - Stop rapelling
/admins - See all online Administrators.
Admin Commands :
First, to make yourself an admin, login to RCON, then use /setlevel [ID] [Level]. (Only levels 1(promoted) and 0(demoted) are availible, due to a small number of commands.
/kick - Kick a player.
/ban - Ban a player.
/unban - Unban a player.
/oflban - Ban an offline player.
/akill - Kill a player.
* Emp3r0r slaps - Slap a player. around a bit with a large trout.
Some features you might want to turn off :
These are optional, but if you don't want them disable them.
These are filterscripts, so to disable them open server.cfg, and remove them off the filterscripts line.
Autorepair - Vehicle repairs automaticly on damage.
Infinite NOS - Infinite nitro.
DOWNLOAD LINK(Full Server package) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/1v1yxz3oe1...emode.zip?dl=0
Thanks to Desperados for Testing !
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the gamemode !