Need some advice

Alright fellas, so, I've recently became an admin at a known, popular SA-MP server. And, I need some advice from veteran, super experienced and respected server administrators on how an admin should act and think. I don't ask you to tell me "be active, ban the cheaters" and simple stuff like that; every twat knows that, lol. Cheers and thanks for reading folks. (:

Don't act on a player's saying. You must be sure if that player is hacking or not. Just be alert.

Quite surprised a known and popular SA:MP server made you admin yet you don't know how to act or think like one...

Sorry to be cynical though.

Be fair, don't punish people for the sake of it, use words instead of commands if it will prevent the rulebreaker from reoffending. Ask other admins for help if needed.

What SA-MP Server is this? Prestigious? NGG? Sacrifice Gaming?


Just go with your gut feeling, If you believe the player is doing something against the rules then spectate them and see if they break any rules if they do, You may take action according to the rules and policy's put in place by the EA's/Higher up staff.

While being an administrator there is three things you wanna keep in mind at all times;
  • Be patient and kind
  • Stay mature and calm in stressful situations
  • As long as your active, And doing your job. Nobody is going to shout at you.
If you get multiply reports of a player hacking, Then it is most likely the player is hacking, But you could always spectate them to be sure before taking action to avoid a complaint or other action by a higher up admin.

Staying mature and calm in situations is vital as if players get a single hint you may be stressing they might get slightly frighted and probably hate you, Knowing people nowadays.

Being kind is a key aspect and good manners, Players will think of you more as a friend with your good manners and being kind towards them.

In my opinion you should try act kind towards them otherwise they'll obviously dislike you and try act mature in all ways but remember to act mature. Main key is to be kind and try make the players feel like your their mates and have good manners. - Also be fare towards them don't let them get away with stuff give them second chances etc.

- If I helped you give me a reputation thanks!

Be kind to players but don't get too close with them, they WILL abuse your trust. Also, be serious and when you get a report try to solve it quickly without making a lot of noise.

Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
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Quite surprised a known and popular SA:MP server made you admin yet you don't know how to act or think like one...

You need to see things from different perspective.
You need to be calm, don't act when you're angry.
You need to be polite with everyone even if he/she is being an ass. That doesn't mean letting people step over you.
You need to be fair with everyone. Don't let inappropriate things balance your decisions.
Respect every player as a person. It may be a game, but people are real.
Always do your job! Being an admin/moderator is a privilege but also a job. It requires some sacrifice.

As stated before, mind out trusting what players say... They'll lie and make out they got wronged, simply because they're losing.

Don't be biased, if your friend did wrong punish him.
I suggest always staying calm no matter what the situation is, never get mouthy to a player but instead be kind even if disrespect is shown against you.

Just saying these things because many servers now-days have people that are biased, but yeah it all depends on your managers what they teach you and tell you how to do your work.

Be yourself.

Well first of all I'd would like to add that being an admin is definetly not easy. It requires really good experience, but ofc you can get experience by learning. Actually you need to know the rules of the server you are playing on, so you will enforce these rules. So that way you can teach and help new players of the experience you had in server. But most importantly as an admin you shouldn't abuse your powers, being an admin is not trolling around, being an admin is basicly about managing the server by administrating on it.

Originally Posted by Denis1
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Be yourself.
Also this ^, well that's all from my advice and hope it helped you.

Firstly, you need to be able to speak fluently in what ever language the server is.
Make sure the players & other Administrators understand what you are saying.
When you punish rule breakers explain carefully why.
Be yourself.
Be Generous but fair & firm.
Try not to make double standards with players.
If you are an Administrator on a popular server you need to understand that everything you do or say will be held against you from other players/Admins.
Don't abuse power. (Duh)
Keep active and help EVERYONE.
This next one will really come across as common knowledge but you would be surprised what Admins don't keep to this one simple Action which causes grief.
***Don't hold grudges on players that come across stupid/immature***
Meaning, if they have called you names in the past, let it go.
You are an Administrator, you need to act as if this is your Job, cause really it is a Job.

Depending on what Rank of Administrator you are, you may be required to do secondary tasks.
such as Faction Management for an R-P Server.
or Team Management for T.D.M etc.
Them tasks need to be done successfully.

- Always. Be. Proud. Of. The. Server.

Actually it's strange that they make you admin without teaching you. In the servers where I used to be in charge of the admin team I always made sure new admins were to learn what they were supposed to do.

You should always be unbiased, or at least try to. Don't take a player's word for granted and expect everyone to lie.

- Rulebreakers lie so they don't get in trouble
- Assumed "victims" lie so they can bring someone in trouble
- "witnesses" lie so their buddies stay clear from trouble

Only trust your eyes. 5 players claim that a player broke a rule? If you didn't see it, you cannot act. If it's a roleplay server you can advise the players to make a forum report.

Also, be decisive. If you take a decision, stick to it.

Most important part is to ask the more experienced admins in the team for tips. If you are unsure about what to do, just ask another admin.

Mado speaks the truth from experience... If you ever see them on your server, don't trust anything they say and insta-prison them.

Guys, he just need some advice, don't act like a douche, no-offense.

I've been admin in many servers, and first time, when I was hand-picked as a admin, I didn't knew anything, about "what to do", "when to do", etc.. but, you know what, the environment of the server taught me, the actions of other admins taught me, my observations taught me, my experience taught me, and many more things.. then slowly, slowly I got used to it. I've learned many more things, as an admin. That, we're only normal players, we just got some powers to keep the server clean from the hacker/cheaters.

Look for things which gives any advantage to a specific player over others (unless specifically approved) are not allowed, so we've to take actions against it. We shouldn't be so friendly as a admin. We should never abuse our powers, because that's actually unfair. Never trust a player, very much, and more than others. Because, it can cause a biased behavior within you.

Check every report, you're getting from players, act on it, asap. Even, if you're off-duty, then also check the player, and take actions, if he's hacking. You should stop the things, which are not allowed in the server (/rules). There are many types of hacks/cheating types.

The things, you should've to stop:
  • Fraudulent Behavior of player.
  • Plagiarism
  • Advertisement
  • Flaming and Insults
  • Trolling
  • Spam
  • Hacks
  • Rule Breakers
  • Intentionally aiding/covering a hacker.
  • and some more..
There are some procedures of banning hacker too, I'd explain that too:

~ /ban procedure:

Before banning a player, you must be sure, that he committed an offense, which is suitable for a ban, you must be 100% SURE.

How to identify:

Health hacks: Firstly, /spec the player, who's reported, or you've doubt for him, that he's using hacks. Then, /burn him consecutively. If their life doesn't fall, or they regains it again, after the bar is empty. You've got a health hacker. (Note: Also /slap him to check, that if he's bugged or not).

Airbreak: - /spec him - Airbreak is pretty simple to identify. If the person is flying/moving in a straight line (upwards/downwards) or walking/jumping in a very strange/unnatural manner, then he's using a Airbreak hack.

Speedhack: - /spec him - it's so easy to identify too; spec them, and check their speed, if it's so fast, then he's using the speedhack, but some hackers are clever, and rarely use it, so you've to spec the person for a while, to bust him.


Ban evaders should be treated very harshly, if you see any ban evader, and you can't ban him, then inform to higher administrators, they'll take care of that hon'ble - ban evader.

~ /warn procedure

/warn is the main power given to the NEW admins, so they can only use that. Usually, a user is granted 3 warns, if they're warned 3 times, they'll be automatically kicked from the server. You can warn people for reasons such as:
  • Trolling
  • Spamming
  • Harsh Language
  • Insulting
  • etc..
~ /kick procedure

/kick is not used much in the server, it's only for some serious shits, etc.. It can be used for reasons, such as:
  • Bad name
  • Not allowed name
  • Insulting very much
  • If the player is bugged
  • etc..
And yea, if you kick them, you've to kick with a proper reason stated, using English.

~ /akill procedure

/akill is used to punish players, who committed minor offense. Admin kill maybe used as an alternative to the /warn command.

- You may use /jail to jail players, if the player is committing a offense which is suitable for a jail (Spawnkilling, teamkilling, etc..). And yea, this carries a maximum sentence of 2 minutes. When jailing a player, please use respectable times. Not abusive (100/10000 minutes or falana thekda).

Originally Posted by A new type of hack
/Heatseek and /Minigun crash hack - This hack is a relatively new hack which will crash all the admins game, so here is how to combat it.
Remember the players name (it will be shown in the chat box) - Sign back into the server with a NON LEVELLED ACCOUNT and proceed to get that players ID - Sign back into the server with your LEVELLED ACCOUNT and quickly ban the user. You will know the hacker is still on when you see the chatbox, DO NOT ban if the chatbox isn't spammed with the warning message. SPEED IF VITAL, YOU ONLY GET A FEW SECONDS TO BAN
Your do's as an administrator:

As an administrator, you should be mature, friendly, knowledgeable and active. Acting professionally towards the players is a vital part of the job, the players need to be able to trust the administrators. And you shouldn't act like a child - no childish behavior. You should be trust-worthy. Never abuse your powers, it's a very big offense, and can result in an instant demotion (unless you're the owner :P).

This is a big point - Administrators are using their powers, to gain an upper hand on the players and that is strictly not allowed, and is a very big offense.
-Using jetpacks to kill players.
-Using a command, which helps you to gain an upper hand on a player (i.e /burn a player, which is trying to kill you (WHEN YOU'RE OFFDUTY))
-Teleporting to player to kill them! NOT ALLOWED
- Spawning RPG, Minigun, Heatseek, Satchels and any other forbidden weapon! NOT ALLOWED.
And many more.. so please take care, and DONT ABUSE YOUR POWERS.

Thanks for reading - it's not me, it's my experience. Goodluck for your journey as an administrator.

Yours sincerely,

Well, there is really no advice for that. You just need to lookup into the community and see, how is it. You have to think about yourself if you can do that job or not. You actualy have to be patient to players and dont be rude at all also if someone tries to provocate you. You just need strong nerves and then you will be enable to manage it pretty easy.

Do your job, when its needed to be done. Don't be to strict, people don't like an admin that isn't fun. So once in a while have some fun, give people leeway unless they are absolutely 100% using game modifications. Fun admins are always the best, seem to go furthest and are fun to talk to.

OK, I'd just like to say that I appreciate all the help from you folks. You sure have helped me become a good admin.

The server should teach you.
But by the sounds of this, this isn't such a 'known, popular sa-mp server'

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