SA-MP 0.3.7 "Shadow & Light" bug


SA-MP 0.3Z

SA-MP 0.3.7

I don't seem to be having this problem, however other factors such as time and weather could effect this.

Not a new bug, its been there since 0.3e. Though it's very annoying and would be great if it could be fixed.
Also this:

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer
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other factors such as time and weather could effect this.

Yeah, sorry. It was my timecyle. L.

This bug has been there since 0.3e where the walls were implemented:

However, try this:
Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Edit: I'll ask cessil to have a look at that vertex lighting problem. It doesn't look too bad though. You could always use SetPlayerWeather while they're inside.

Set the weather to 0 while ur in an interior. Cull zones are missing from some interiors and custom interiors

The UV mapping has been done improperly. There's not much you can do to make lights look nice.

Originally Posted by Slice
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The UV mapping has been done improperly. There's not much you can do to make lights look nice.
It is clear you have no idea what you are talking about. It is not caused by UV mapping and has nothing to do with that.

The problem is caused by the way the objects were created and exported by Cessil. They do not have vertex colours and the prelit flag is not set. This means they respond to dynamic lighting and some weather/timecycs. I went ahead and fixed some of the wall sections but stopped as it was going to take forever. Perhaps in the future I will fix them all when there is more time.

Originally Posted by Matite
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It is clear you have no idea what you are talking about. It is not caused by UV mapping and has nothing to do with that.

The problem is caused by the way the objects were created and exported. They do not have vertex colours and the prelit flag is not set. This means they respond to dynamic lighting and weather. I went ahead and fixed some of the wall sections but stopped as it was going to take forever. Perhaps in the future I will fix them all when there is more time.
So, some of the walls will be fixed in 0.3.7?
Can you provide the ids of the fixed walls?

Originally Posted by Dredd
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So, some of the walls will be fixed in 0.3.7?
Can you provide the ids of the fixed walls?
The wall objects I fixed were variations that all used the same texture and are listed at the top of the SAMP.IDE file:


# * Updated wall001 (ID:19353) to use vertex colours so it does not respond to dynamic lighting
# * Updated wall031 (ID:19383) to use vertex colours so it does not respond to dynamic lighting
# * Updated wall047 (ID:19399) to use vertex colours so it does not respond to dynamic lighting
# * Updated wall066 (ID:19426) to use vertex colours so it does not respond to dynamic lighting
# * Updated wall085 (ID:19445) to use vertex colours so it does not respond to dynamic lighting

If you use those objects they will not respond to dynamic lighting. You could re-texture them too.


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