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Technically it'd be possible to use a variation of CJ's clothing system and a custom IMG (say, "SAMPPlayer.img") to create a completely custom player character with thousands of unique combinations. Rip pedestrian heads, torsos, feet, etc, and use them in combination with CJ's clothing.
Then again, technically, we can put a man on Mars... it's not gonna happen.
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Originally Posted by norton2
Bug: An orange bulb is missing.

That's not a bug. You're in San Andreas and you're complaining about a car missing a turn signal.
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I guess the best thing Kalcor could do is implemeting the Low-leve API that slice suggested, it would solve a lot of problems, cheats, bugs, and would also give the time to kalcor create new things.
The only thing I would like to see improved is the sync, SA-MP's sync it's very bad and it would be good to improve that. The most significant exemple that I know it's when you're driving a car and you click esc or tab+alt, to the other players you still moving, but when you were teleported to the position that you were when you esced.
This also effects passenger seats, sometime ago I was playing with my friend, he was driving the car and I was in passenger seat, then I esced and he keeped driving. When he reached the location he got out of the car and then I came back and the car teleported to the position that I was when I esced, this happend because I was in the car.
I know that this can be fixed with pawn, I was trying to fix this but it would be better to improve in the sa-mp itself.
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Originally Posted by Crayder
I have a TextDraw with 87 characters but the code
~x~ (brown) displays a white square.
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RemoveBuildingForPlayer () could be return ... because the object can be removed several times, and crash the client itself .. This unfortunately happens when one connects and loses connection and reconnection happens.
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When you are in or out of a vehicle and you explode another vehicle with players within it, the players simply die as if they were blown only and not because you killed them!
That's too bad because it is not possible to make a minigame with Hunter or Rhino, for example.
This could be fixed or implemented in samp!
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Support for more then 30000 Objects(GTA3.img, SAMP.img and Custom.img), instead 19999.
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Originally Posted by Ashgard
New water for high res
This all for now
Neither of these will happen. They are not creating a new game, and they will always retain support for old systems.
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Here's something interesting about NOS:
GTASA appears to feature 3 types of NOS tanks, which are 2x 5x and 10x.
I've tested them yesterday and noticed that they all last 20 seconds. Either they present differences in power, or we're talking about a bug here. Any thoughts on this? I'm working on a NOS HUD indicator and I need to know if the versions are different or not so I can script my indicator properly.
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Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
Here's something interesting about NOS:
GTASA appears to feature 3 types of NOS tanks, which are 2x 5x and 10x.
I've tested them yesterday and noticed that they all last 20 seconds. Either they present differences in power, or we're talking about a bug here. Any thoughts on this? I'm working on a NOS HUD indicator and I need to know if the versions are different or not so I can script my indicator properly.
It's 2 shots, 5 shots, 10 shots... They're all supposed to last the same amount of time. They're all the same boost as well.
It's simply the shot reference.
No bug at all.
However, with what you are saying, you can script that. You'd just want it to be more special for "those" NOS upgrades.
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It would be great if you add this function:
GetVehicleDoorState(vehicleid, doorid);
doorid have values between 1 and 6 ( 4+ for limousines ).
This function return value 1 if the door is opened or 0 if it is closed.
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Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
Here's something interesting about NOS:
GTASA appears to feature 3 types of NOS tanks, which are 2x 5x and 10x.
I've tested them yesterday and noticed that they all last 20 seconds. Either they present differences in power, or we're talking about a bug here. Any thoughts on this? I'm working on a NOS HUD indicator and I need to know if the versions are different or not so I can script my indicator properly.
1. Read Sew_Sumi's reply.
2. You can script a custom NOS system like that easily. For example, you could make a script that repeatedly applies NOS to a player's vehicle when they hit the ctrl key. Set a timer to continuously reduce a bar's amount and when it reaches 0.0 (or when the player deactivates NOS) remove the NOS from the vehicle.