[FilterScript] Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Preview

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)


What is LSD?
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide or LSD is a hallucinogenic. It was mainly popular in the 1960's where a group of people known as 'hippies' used to to get closer to religion. LSD stimulates centers of the sympathetic nervous system in the midbrain, which leads to pupillary dilation, increase in body temperature, and rise in the blood-sugar level.
Script Information
The current version of this script does not follow the real-life process for making LSD, and many things have been changed. The major of these being the fact that Ergot Fungus (Main component to LSD) grows on barley/wheat, not just on the ground (like in the script). These things maybe changed in future updates, to where a whole job is made that will harvest wheat, and then a chance is given where ergot fungus is given to the player. Another is the process of making iso-lysergic acid hydrazide which is what is made when ergot fungi is cultured. Instead of this being done in a darkroom it can be done anywhere. (Darkrooms are a MUST for culturing ergot fungi because of the fact that they decompose under light). Another main one is how long it takes for the fungus to culture. Instead of making it 30 minutes or so I have just done 20 seconds, to show how it would work. In future versions this maybe increased, and a enum will be used to hold the plants information.
Basic Usage
The basic usage of the script is simple, over a 30 minute time-period 5 different locations will spawn with fungi. These locations are near flint, and can be TPed to using /gotofungi. They spawn under a random timer, so as to mimic real life. This random timer goes off every 30 minutes and will choose a number 0-5 for each of the plant locations. If there is no fungus, then one will be made, if one is already there then nothing happens.

Once made, a player can walk up to the patch and use the command /pickfungi, this will give the player 3 ergot fungus buds. Each of the patches will give 3 of these buds.

To avoid the over-production of LSD, 4 buds are needed in order to culture it. Once these 4 are in-possesion of the player, they can use the command /culturefungi to begin to culturing process. This process takes 20 seconds and depending on the number of ergot buds used gives the player a number of iso-lysergic diethylamide's. When culturing it, there is a chance that the fungus will decay.

new ILAH = ergot * 2 - 4;
This codes shows the algorithm used to give the player a certain number of iso-lysergic diethylamide's.

Once the player has cultured the fungus and have their iso-lysergic diethylamide's they now need to isomerized the iso-lysergic diethylamide's again, making active LSD. This is the final step in making LSD (For this script at least). Once this is done, the player will be given a number of LSD microdots/windowpanes (the player will be able to choose which to make it into, as microdots can dissolve in water and can be used in a RP situation).

There is a max set number to how much LSD microdots/windowpanes a player can get, this is at five. Depending on how much iso-lysergic diethylamide's a player has. If a players number of ILD's is between 1-10, one LSD Microdot/Windowpane is made, this follows upwards in multiples of tens, increasing the number of microdots/windowpanes by one.

There is a basic loading/saving feature that uses mysql, this can be removed easily, and should not have to be explained.
Downloads/Version Change-log
Version 0.1

If you wish to use this or any parts of it for your server/script, please give myself the proper credit, That is more of a moral thing, if you don't I honestly won't care much, but it would be nice if the credit was given where it is needed.
Future Plans
In the future, I plan on adding a system to check the light levels of an area, so the chance of the fungus decaying will be more predictable. For the harvesting of the fungus, a job is going to be made that will allow the player to farm at any of the farms in the county, and once done they will be given both their money and a possible small number of fungi. I plan for the system to be as realistic as possible, with mapping for the actual bonding of the ions that is actually used in-real life.

* I plan to either add in this script, or in seperate ones full systems of the major drugs (Weed, coke, crack, LSD, heroin, meth, molly). *


Man, are you serious? It's EPIC!

Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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Here are a few things


First image shows the culturing of the fungus, like I said you don't have to be in a darkroom as you would in-real life but there is a chance that the fungus won't culture and will decay (Will be improved in a future update).

Second is one of the fungus plants.

Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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Man, are you serious? It's EPIC!
Hahaha thanks man means a ton!

Didn't know if anyone would like it because of how simple it is in this version. Honestly this version only took me a day or so, but I plan on adding more, a bunch more.

Alright , good job keep it up

Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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Alright , good job keep it up
Thanks man! Means a bunch!

Very Good!

Originally Posted by ImperioHosting
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Very Good!
Thanks very much man, means allot!!

Would be nice with a video showing it, and a pastebin link.

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