Roleplay Admins hidden or visible?

All the roleplay community's and the others, choose to show their admins, to make them popular in game and on the forum. So allot of players are dreaming of becoming admins on these community's, just to feel better about themselves.
So, why not keep the staff hidden from the other players. Allot of these kids today want to start up a community just to feel like bosses and for donations.
Staff hidden or visible making them "famous"?

Well, if I run a server I actually give them a second account to prevent abusing like giving health to themselfes and such stuff, I don't really care if my admin team is famous or not cause we are a part of the community to help and imporive but not to showoff

Well; 'no'. Admins are like the soul of the server, without them the server is nothing. Yes, it depends on the loyality of the admin, if he is 'over' using his power, like a politician (if compared to real life).

Staff hidden or visible making them "famous"? - I don't think so, staff is not for being famous, or falana thekda. It's for the protection, and keeping away cheaters & hackers from server. It's not related - with "making server famous" or anything else. Just a thing, never, from never I mean, never make a person admin, who donates money to become admin, because that guy, is power-hungry.

Handpicking old and trust-worthy members, creates a perfect-staff-team.

Originally Posted by MasonPlay
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All the roleplay community's and the others, choose to show their admins, to make them popular in game and on the forum. So allot of players are dreaming of becoming admins on these community's, just to feel better about themselves.
What?? No, Admins are never displayed to make them more famous moreover chances are they already are pretty famous. They are displayed so that hackers know that there is an admin present and will not use his/her hacks.
Also as far as your question is concerned no they dont need to be hidden for the reasons astated above. However, you can always allow the admins to choose if they want to make their presence known or not in the admin list.
So overall, NO dont hide them.
Also the options you provided dont really go with what you have asked.

In my community it only shows the ammount of online admins, but they remain hidden and only their roleplay name appears. This avoids popularity and also many MP invasion.

I have no idea why people are doing this.
Some people even has commands to hide administrators, but i think it's stupid as well.

Originally Posted by Zomboy
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They are displayed so that hackers know that there is an admin present and will not use his/her hacks.
Why would you ever do this?
They'll just wait for the administrators to leave and then use their cheats.
You should rather hide the administrators, and then he uses his cheats, so then ban him, done.
Then he can't use them after the administrator is gone.

So having them visible will scare hackers, lol. Having them hidden like all the other multiplayer games, make the server look more professional. By hidden I don't mean that they can't keep their tags on forums or IG, I'm referring to the Staff Roster.

Admins are basically players as-well, so why hide them? This isn't an government website where everything is kept forbidden from the general public.

What ever you are going to do, Your staff/ admins will always be noticed more than a regular player.

Hidden or Visible?
"Yes - Reason?"
"No - Reason?"

You didn't really think about these options properly, did you?

Being an administrator or staff member in general is not all about punishing people, it's about them being there for help and support if a player is in need of help. If you are looking for someone who will just punish people if they do something wrong, then you do not have a good staff member. Really, that should be the last thing on their minds - it's all about helping the community and supporting them when they're in need of it.

Even if someone was to break a rule, explain to them why they broke the rule rather than straight off punishing them. If helps with prevention of it happening again when you explain it to them in a nice manner. So, to answer your question it's something that really should not be hidden due to the fact they're suppose to be there for help.

Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
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Hidden or Visible?
"Yes - Reason?"
"No - Reason?"

You didn't really think about these options properly, did you?
True, I just saw it now, my mistake..

Well, it really depends. I could say that I am for both, but there would be two subgroups - shown admins and hidden admins.

As somebody who've been an admin on several communities since 2010 I've got quite some experience on this topic.

At first the important thing is why somebody wants to become an admin. I've seen way too many kids who just loved the power they had and their main motivation was to punish people. As for myself; moderating was a nice part of the "job" but I only punished if I had to, not because I wanted to.

On the other hand, how can server owners expect otherwise if they just appoint somebody as admin out of the blue? The kid is new to the commands, has no idea what to do so he just comes up with his own ideas. In the times where I was responsible for the admin team I simply used a probation period:

- First the admin was hired in a lower level, like "moderator" or "junior admin" like some serves like to call it. The admin was given a "handbook" where his tasks were described. We gave the admin a minimum of 24 hours to read it and then he was free to resign if he didn't like the task. Then he was supposed to handle simple reports and spectate players. He only had access to basic commands like spectate, ban, kick, prison, etc. Probation mostly took two weeks in which the admin was supposed (actually: forced) to ask question to other admins and to learn.
- After probation I spoke to other admins and the server owner and we decided whether to promote or remove the probationary. If promoted he'd gain more commands to use.

As for whether or not to show admins: I liked the system where admins can use a command to go on admin duty (/aduty) on their regular account. Only if they were on admin duty they had access to their admin commands, only the admin chat was available if they were off duty.

If admins went on duty their "admin name" was visible. Yes, it could be seen as prestige, but didn't they deserve it by being good enough to be admin in the first place?

Which option should I choose if I want to vote for visible?

Privacy is the most important thing. Also keep in mind that admins should build an intimate relationship with their players BUT do it behind a mask. Players shouldn't know their admin's real name or see their photos. If you want to run a successful server, you should do it like a company. Serve, entertain but keep your distance.

Originally Posted by WhoIsYourDaddy
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Privacy is the most important thing. Also keep in mind that admins should build an intimate relationship with their players BUT do it behind a mask. Players shouldn't know their admin's real name or see their photos. If you want to run a successful server, you should do it like a company. Serve, entertain but keep your distance.
TS means if a player should see if there is an admin online, and whether or not to see their names. Some roleplay servers let admins use a nickname, which mostly consists out of a single name instead of 2. Like "John" instead of "John_Doe".

Other servers prefer the admins to use their roleplay name.

In my opinion its the owner's decision whether to show or not

Hidden or Visible?

I like the concept of having the admins visible, then the players know not to fuck around. There should be options for the admins to go 'under-cover' though.

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