Bug With Vehicular Lights

Alright, so I was on my server last night, and I was riding a Wayfarer. I noticed that when I used /lights to turn the lights of the Wayfarer on, the windshield disappeared. And as I typed /lights again to turn it off, it re-appeared.

To confirm this I done it a few times more, and the same results popped up.

Happens for all vehicles with a window in front.
This is how GTA SA's windows work, they become light (disappears) in nighttime, and becomes dark (appears) in daytime.

The way it checks if it's day or night, is by the lights on the vehicle.
Thereby when the lights are on, the windows disappear, and when the lights are off, the windows appears again.

That was probably done so windows aren't too dark combined with the nighttime, or too light combined with the daylight.
This can also be seen when using the Emergency Lights cleo mod, it makes your headlights flash, which also makes your windows flash.

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