21.03.2015, 12:36
Last edited by rootcause; 06/09/2016 at 07:39 AM.
Reason: mysql r40 version
* /house - Opens the house menu, house owner only.
* /createhouse [price] [interior id] - RCON admins only, lets you create a house.
* /hsetinterior [house id] [interior id] - RCON admins only, lets you change a house's interior.
* /hsetprice [house id] [price] - RCON admins only, lets you change a house's price.
* /resethouse [house id] - RCON admins only, resets a house.
* /deletehouse [house id] - RCON admins only, deletes a house.
* [added in v1.2] /gotohouse [house id] - RCON admins only, teleports you to house's entrance you specified ID of.
Some Features:
* Furnitures: You can place as many furnitures as you want thanks to Streamer Plugin.
* Gun Storage: You can store your guns in your house and take them whenever you want.
* House Safe: You can put your money to your house safe and take it from there whenever you want.
* Lock Modes: You can lock your house using a password or set it to owner only, or make it unlocked so everyone can get in and see your beautiful house!
* Resetting: If a house owner doesn't visit their house for 7 days, they will lose their house and everything in it.
* [added in v1.1] Visitor History: You can see who visited your house from house menu. Visitors only gets tracked when house is not locked.
* [added in v1.2] House Addresses: Every owned house will get an address now. Addresses look like this: <houseid, zone, city/county>. Example: "1, Jefferson, Los Santos"
* [added in v1.2] House Keys: Instead of forcing people to write a password to enter your house(password lock still exists, don't worry) you can give people keys for your house and set your house's lock mode to Keys. (/givehousekeys, /takehousekeys, /myhousekeys) Also you can change locks from /house menu so old keys won't work anymore.
* [added in v1.3] House Selling: You can put your house up for sale and other players can buy it from you, paying the price you decided. If you were offline at the time someone bought your house, don't worry because you'll get your money once you connect and spawn.
* [added in v1.3] House Limits: You can decide how many houses a player can own by using LIMIT_PER_PLAYER define. If you set it to 0, players can buy as many houses as they want. If you set it to something else, players won't be able to buy more houses than LIMIT_PER_PLAYER's value.
Adding New Interiors/Editing Interiors:
You can add your new interior data to HouseInteriors array, or edit existing interiors from there.
Adding New Furnitures/Editing Furnitures:
You can add your new furniture data to HouseFurnitures array, or edit existing furnitures from there.
* Added house selling, you can put your houses for sale. When your house is bought by an another player, you'll receive your money. When you buy a house, most of the stuff it has(guns, furnitures) also will be yours.
* Added a house buying limiter, a player can't buy more than LIMIT_PER_PLAYER houses. Set LIMIT_PER_PLAYER to 0 if you want no limits.
* Internal changes like replacing the DIALOG_HOUSE+x format with e_dialogids enum and a little bit of code cleanup.
* SQL Importing is no longer needed, filterscript will create required tables if they don't exist on FilterScriptInit.
* Added /gotohouse which teleports you to house's entrance you specified ID of. (RCON only.)
* House Kicking, you can kick somebody or everybody from your house, to kick somebody use /kickfromhouse, to kick everybody use /house menu.
* House Keys, instead of forcing people to write a password to enter your house(password lock still exists, don't worry) you can give people keys for your house and set your house's lock mode to Keys. (/givehousekeys, /takehousekeys, /myhousekeys) Also you can change locks from /house menu so old keys won't work anymore.
* House Safe History, you can track your house safe activity now.
* House Addresses, every owned house will get an address now. Addresses look like this: <houseid, zone, city/county>. Example: "1, Jefferson, Los Santos"
* Added house visitors feature. You can see who visited your house from house menu. Visitors only gets tracked when house is not locked.
* Changed furniture buying and house guns dialogs styles. They're now using DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS instead of DIALOG_STYLE_LIST.
* Incognito for Streamer Plugin
* ****** for sscanf, YSI
* BlueG, maddinat0r for MySQL Plugin
* Zeex for ZCMD
* Vince for his tutorial about a great way of weapon saving

Download Here (v1.3) - MySQL R40 Version
Download Here (v1.2) (KayJ™'s Mirror (v1.2))
Download Here (v1.1) (KayJ™'s Mirror (v1.1))
Download Here (v1.0) (KayJ™'s Mirror (v1.0))
* /house - Opens the house menu, house owner only.
* /createhouse [price] [interior id] - RCON admins only, lets you create a house.
* /hsetinterior [house id] [interior id] - RCON admins only, lets you change a house's interior.
* /hsetprice [house id] [price] - RCON admins only, lets you change a house's price.
* /resethouse [house id] - RCON admins only, resets a house.
* /deletehouse [house id] - RCON admins only, deletes a house.
* [added in v1.2] /gotohouse [house id] - RCON admins only, teleports you to house's entrance you specified ID of.
Some Features:
* Furnitures: You can place as many furnitures as you want thanks to Streamer Plugin.
* Gun Storage: You can store your guns in your house and take them whenever you want.
* House Safe: You can put your money to your house safe and take it from there whenever you want.
* Lock Modes: You can lock your house using a password or set it to owner only, or make it unlocked so everyone can get in and see your beautiful house!
* Resetting: If a house owner doesn't visit their house for 7 days, they will lose their house and everything in it.
* [added in v1.1] Visitor History: You can see who visited your house from house menu. Visitors only gets tracked when house is not locked.
* [added in v1.2] House Addresses: Every owned house will get an address now. Addresses look like this: <houseid, zone, city/county>. Example: "1, Jefferson, Los Santos"
* [added in v1.2] House Keys: Instead of forcing people to write a password to enter your house(password lock still exists, don't worry) you can give people keys for your house and set your house's lock mode to Keys. (/givehousekeys, /takehousekeys, /myhousekeys) Also you can change locks from /house menu so old keys won't work anymore.
* [added in v1.3] House Selling: You can put your house up for sale and other players can buy it from you, paying the price you decided. If you were offline at the time someone bought your house, don't worry because you'll get your money once you connect and spawn.
* [added in v1.3] House Limits: You can decide how many houses a player can own by using LIMIT_PER_PLAYER define. If you set it to 0, players can buy as many houses as they want. If you set it to something else, players won't be able to buy more houses than LIMIT_PER_PLAYER's value.
Adding New Interiors/Editing Interiors:
You can add your new interior data to HouseInteriors array, or edit existing interiors from there.
Adding New Furnitures/Editing Furnitures:
You can add your new furniture data to HouseFurnitures array, or edit existing furnitures from there.
* Added house selling, you can put your houses for sale. When your house is bought by an another player, you'll receive your money. When you buy a house, most of the stuff it has(guns, furnitures) also will be yours.
* Added a house buying limiter, a player can't buy more than LIMIT_PER_PLAYER houses. Set LIMIT_PER_PLAYER to 0 if you want no limits.
* Internal changes like replacing the DIALOG_HOUSE+x format with e_dialogids enum and a little bit of code cleanup.
* SQL Importing is no longer needed, filterscript will create required tables if they don't exist on FilterScriptInit.
* Added /gotohouse which teleports you to house's entrance you specified ID of. (RCON only.)
* House Kicking, you can kick somebody or everybody from your house, to kick somebody use /kickfromhouse, to kick everybody use /house menu.
* House Keys, instead of forcing people to write a password to enter your house(password lock still exists, don't worry) you can give people keys for your house and set your house's lock mode to Keys. (/givehousekeys, /takehousekeys, /myhousekeys) Also you can change locks from /house menu so old keys won't work anymore.
* House Safe History, you can track your house safe activity now.
* House Addresses, every owned house will get an address now. Addresses look like this: <houseid, zone, city/county>. Example: "1, Jefferson, Los Santos"
* Added house visitors feature. You can see who visited your house from house menu. Visitors only gets tracked when house is not locked.
* Changed furniture buying and house guns dialogs styles. They're now using DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS instead of DIALOG_STYLE_LIST.
* Incognito for Streamer Plugin
* ****** for sscanf, YSI
* BlueG, maddinat0r for MySQL Plugin
* Zeex for ZCMD
* Vince for his tutorial about a great way of weapon saving

Download Here (v1.3) - MySQL R40 Version
Download Here (v1.2) (KayJ™'s Mirror (v1.2))
Download Here (v1.1) (KayJ™'s Mirror (v1.1))
Download Here (v1.0) (KayJ™'s Mirror (v1.0))
English isn't my first language, if I did any mistakes, sorry about that.